Inking acrylic

Me too!

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she listed her website on her profile. Fun stuff… there’s a few that would be appropriate to post on the Show and Tell thread. More that would not be approp.


I’ll check it out. hope it gets past the parental filters, cause I forgot the passwords ages ago.


This is something I have come up with based on the info here.

I need to center punch the ends of some odd shaped things. Squares and circles are covered with preexisting guides but for odd stuff I have found nothing.

What do you all think?

The plastic will be transparent florescent as suggested.


Okay, I think I have it sorted out… the blue lines would be engraved, which gives you many intersections to align random odd shaped objects against in an attempt to find their center?

If that is right, then it seems likely to be effective. Not sure what the two shaded arcs in the view from below are though. Is that the top knob showing through?


You got it right as to the etching, the screen capture is hard to interpret, kind of a tube to hold a socket like adapter for the punch.

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Maybe alternate thick and thin lines, add some numbers to the concentric rings, or engrave every other section… I’m thinking it could be confusing to quickly glance down and have to count lines? Maybe not. Looks like a great solution to your problem.


The matrix will definitely get optimized, just looking at the concept for now.