Laser Fractal Puzzle

I must be missing something. How do I download this svg file?

I tried ‘click and save as’. What I get won’t upload to my GFUI.

They’re on DocHub – there should be a download button at the upper right of your screen.

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I’m still missing something.

I’m logged in, but I see no download button. I’ve tried looking in both Firefox and Chrome.

It’s the little down arrow that’s highlighted in the upper right corner. You might need to move your mouse around to get the menu bar to come up.

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They’re actually in Google Docs.

Can you use this link?

It’s straight to that puzzle folder that he shared. If not, head in through this thread: Another SVG Library


Imitation is the highest form of flattery - looks like your projects are a favorite when it comes to Kickstarter:


Yep always disappointing, would be nice to be credited as part of the inspiration for that one. Its got too many of my features to be coincidence. Doesn’t look like it’ll fund anyway.


He took your design, a few of my edits, and also made few of his own. At the end of the day it wouldn’t be profitable for me to sell them at $40-50 a pop, even with his 3-layer ring design. I suspect $50/unit would be selling at a loss for you too for anything more than a 4-letter puzzle.

If it does fund, he will learn a valuable lesson about the hidden cost of assembly labor haha!


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