The light does work, if I turn the glowforge on and off the light comes back on, however whenever I close the lid after one cut it turns off the light on the inside of the glowforge. This makes it really really hard to try and line anything up and opening/closing the lid doesn’t seem to turn it on back on. It often turns on when the lid is open and then off again when I close it . Which seems to be the opposite of what I want… I don’t see anything anywhere to dcontrol the light?
Following this to see what they say as my lights seem to function oddly like yours too (though only dims when closed, not completely off). But I’ve been living with mine like this >2 years .
I think you might want to check the cables as per this nice post by @jules and a couple following
I’m so sorry to hear about the trouble with the lights. That is not expected behavior from the LEDs. I agree with @ihermit2, the issues you’re seeing might be caused by a poor connection with the cables on your lid. Please follow the steps below to check the lid connections:
Turn off your unit.
Open the lid.
Using both hands, gently roll the laser arm to the front of the unit.
There are 5 clips pictured below. Check each one to ensure it is closed. The clip should lie flat, and you shouldn’t be able to flip it in any direction.
If any of the clips are open, ensure the cable is inserted straight into the clip and close the clip.
If any of the cables are misaligned in the clip, take a photo of the clip and cable and post it here so I can take a look before you proceed. Do not try to adjust or reseat the cable.
Please let me know if you find anything out of place and we will follow up with your next steps.
I checked all the cables ands they are all seated correctly. I think it might be a cable issue though because sometimes when I close the lid it gets stuck in a scanning state, which I guess means it cannot talk to the camera. I don’t see any obvious breaks or damage to any of the cables either.
Thank you for checking that out for us. I agree, the next step is to replace the cable. I will be reaching out to you by email to coordinate the shipment of the cable, so I’m going to close this thread.
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