I’m fairly new with my Glowforge Pro. I want to cut Mahogany wood (1/4" thick). I’ve messed around with the settings a lot. I’ve tried full power 500 speed, 2 passes. I’m cutting earrings, so a fairly small cut. I’m sorry if someone has already asked this question.
Have you searched the forum for the word “mahogany” because there are a lot of examples/attempts. It seems it’s a tough wood to cut, but folks have been successful. Go forth and do a search
Best thing is experimenting with the sample of wood you have in hand. Proofgrade hardwood settings might be a good place to start. 500 speed is probably quite a bit too fast. Be careful as others have posted that mahogany flares more than expected. Fire bad!
I am moving this to Beyond the Manual since it is a discussion of non Proofgrade materials.
I cut 1/8” mahogany all the time and get good results, but beware that hardwoods like to crack along their grains on fine pieces like filigree earrings. If you’re cutting solid shapes no problem but if it’s got a lot of thin pieces it’s a risk.