Make Something: First Tests

Can’t wait to see the next video… “So I decided I wanted to make an air freshener for my car. I’m going to make it pine-scented so I’m going to draw a completely original, totally random, non-specific pine tree now…”


Its interesting to watch the video and see all the differences between that machine and the one I got. Im looking forward to getting an upgrade!


I missed it too. Looking forward to the re-edit. I always enjoy @picciuto’s videos!


So prerelease isn’t consistent across batches yet? That’s interesting.

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two completely different batches. @takitus got his pre-release awhile ago and after numerous bits of feedback @jules got one that had a number of those fixes implemented.


Are there hardware differences, other than the faulty tube?

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yeah quite a few Ive noticed:

  • Theres some sort of black stripping along the edge of the top of the outer glass pieces, where the mounts for the lid side hinges connect to the them. Mine doesnt have that. (could have been pulled off on mine for maintenance or re-assembly)
  • The gantry is screwed into the rails during shipment (you can see the red knobs etc), but on mine the screw mounts were in the center of the y-rails, where on this one they were all the way at the front.
  • The tube mounts are a bit more polished than mine,
  • The lower flap opens a LOT more easily.
  • Good tube =)

There are probably more, but those are the few that I noticed in the snippets


I say make a shrubbery in the new video. Some companies really don’t understand positive publicity and in this day and age that’s just sad.


Anybody got the new plastic yet with the metallisation instead of the stuck on metal / foil pieces?

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wha? not sure ive heard of this? What is it? where can I get it from?

From the Dec announcement.

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ohhhh I thought you meant an acrylic that was part metal to do engraving on. Yeah the case has metal foil on all the areas the laser could bounce to that arent covered by actual metal.

Theres also a speaker embedded in the bottom of the front facing downward for some reason. Maybe to communicate with the filter, or do a chime when a job finishes? Or sing daisy? Im not sure what is purpose is


Are @Jules’ and @picciuto’s GFs the same in the respect?


Im assuming so, but I havent seen in theres to really know. I couldnt tell from the video @picciuto posted.Everything I know about @jules machine is from the engraves shes posted. I can tell theres a difference from the output. Mine has certain signature marks that are pretty noticeable.


This one has the metallised plastic. I thought it was a sheet of metal running around in there until I thumped it. :slight_smile:


under the side glass pieces? I have metal covering the area under where the lid opens, but everything on the sides is plastic covered with foil.

Can you upload a photo or two?! Id love to see!


I’m not sure how well it will show up, but I can take a couple after I finish my workout. I just started. :relaxed:


@Jules is dedicate to GF :glowforge:. She works out while checking the forums… :laughing:


I’ve been doin’ that since the get-go. I multi-task all over the place, and it’s one of the few times that I don’t get interrupted by something.

Although it is hard to type while orbiting. My answers tend to be a lot shorter. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That’s insane. I mean sure, technically you were sort of using their trademark, it really, not like people will actually do this (given they cost like $1 and yours costs essentially thousands of dollars in investment. You could probably fight it that this is an educational thing, but of course they realize it’s not worth it to you to fight (where is newegg’s legal team when you need them?)