May Update?

Can we get a pitchfork & flaming torch emoticon? Huh @dan can we? :smile: That’d be so much fun to use when flagging posts.


LOL :laughing:

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:fire: :fork_and_knife:



From testing the PRU, and watching what they have been doing lately, I think they are getting pretty darned close to launch. Next couple of months. Maybe a bit sooner.

Just an observation. (And an opinion.)

But I don’t expect @dan to give us any shipping related details in the update either. It hasn’t ever happened, and it probably won’t, until they start going out.

If I’m guessing correctly, they will send out a small wave of production units to some of the more active members first, so they can get feedback on any last minute issues and test the support structure. Then after that is sorted out, the rest are going to start rolling out in a big honking batch that will move pretty quickly. But there might be several weeks pass between those two events.

This will likely just be a normal update. (They’ve also got the Maker Faire coming up PDQ, so focus is going to be on that.)

I know the waiting is hard, but it looks to me like we’re in the home stretch. (And if you think this is bad, just wait until that first wave of production units goes out…and try to not explode…it makes a mess.) :wink:


That’s what @dan said in response to some speculation in another thread yesterday (or the day before).


What I don’t understand at this point is that in the December update Dan explicitly stated that the first plan was to go nuts on the manufacturing 24/7. However they had a new plan and it was to manufacture units at a slower pace and release them gradually over several months. While I would like dates, I’m not expecting them at all. What I do want to know is if they are back to plan A.


They have to be flexible, and for all we know, they changed the “plan” half a dozen times since then.

That’s one of the reasons we won’t ever get firm details on it - they might need to change what goes down based on results as they come in.

Not very comforting I know, but it’s totally normal for this kind of thing.


I think they are getting pretty darned close to launch. Next couple of months. Maybe a bit sooner.

Well, per the last shipping deadline, we are only a couple of months out - I thought the intent of the PRUs was to iron out any issues in manufacturing, and not have yet another surprise incremental build.

I will be pleasantly surprised if I actually get an email in July or August asking for my shipping address for the unit. Like all other updates, things are all good up to the 11th hour until they are not. If we have a delay, it will most likely be announced in next month’s update.


I think they have a pretty good chance of hitting this one, or coming pretty close.

(Much better than I saw in December. Launching then would have been a huge mess, with an awful lot of frustrated customers as a result. They’ve come a long way with firming up the software now…but there are still a few little things they need to take care of. Things are probably pretty frantic right now at GF HQ.)


@Jules the voice of reason. We are getting closer…


Every 6 months you delay, the closer you get to your finish line. Will the date hit? Who knows. I would bet against it if I was a betting person.

There is no evidence that @dan has provided that builds confidence we are going to meet the Summer timeline. Yes, advancements have been made, but there is still an awful lot that is not quite there yet, and a few things that have never been demo’ed.

I think I’ll have it in 2017, just not 2-3 months from now.


Well, who knows? You could be right. Only time will tell.

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Refresh Refresh Refresh!


Yeah, I agree, they look like they’re about two months from their first production batch, so I figure they’re only three months behind the currently published timeline. Which means most folks will get their glowforge by Christmas unless they hit another significant snag, which seems likely. I don’t want to get my hopes up for Christmas too much. Plus my main worry is too many cancellations at the next announced delay, but hey, looks like a lot of us have hung in this far, maybe many will hang in until next year too.

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You know what I like most about this thread.
It’s like going to the races and listening to a stream of clearly broke people giving each other advice about which horse is going to win the next race.
Just wait for the update, then talk about it.


Amen to that Bridget.


Told you so!


@ian wins the “aqua-empathic” award


Lol, I wouldn’t e pact it until the July update at the earliest :open_mouth: