Well I for one don’t eat leather because I can’t chew through it LOL but I do eat mushrooms so I’m wondering how they’re going to make it to where it doesn’t fall apart
hmm… which product do we think will actually ship to customers first, this mushroom leather or the Glowforge? (My money’s on the GF. Literally! haha)
I’d be surprised if this wasn’t safe to laser cut. Same with that pineapple “leather” that someone else posted a few months back. (which is similarly not yet available, if I recall correctly.)
Mycelium is thought to be the world’s largest organism by weight. The mushrooms are only the reproductive structures of the massive thread-like organism that winds it’s way through the soil.
I read somewhere that the 11,500 foot elevation of tree line is due to mycelium’s inability to survive at that level of reduced oxygen.
If I remember correctly, mycelium fixes nitrogen in the soil that trees need.