My First GF Project

I finally got my Glowforge Pro earlier this week and finally had some time to set it up.

Of course, my first test project was to engrave a skull.

At first, the GF said it was too complicated, so I shrunk it a bit and then the GF was OK with it.

I still have a lot to learn as I wasn’t sure what the different type of engrave sources meant (SD Graphic, HD Graphic, etc.) and have plans for much larger engraves, so I’ll have to read up on how best to break them apart to allow for complex engravings.

How do folks typically treat engravings afterward? Is there a typical treatment or just whatever you want? Stain, lacquer, etc.

Looking forward to being a more active member here!



Looks great! Can’t wait to see what you make with it.


whatever you want, depending on the look you are after, and whatever qualities you might need from the finish. Food safe? Water/UV-resistant? Indoor/outdoor?

I have been playing around recently with using an orange-oil spray that I found on the shelf at my LHS while looking for tung oil.
On a related note, sometime I use tung oil.


Nice engrave! :slightly_smiling_face:


Really Nice!


The detail is just amazing–awesome first job!


Very nice start! We have similar tastes :slight_smile:

If I use PF for my engravings, I don’t do anything or I use a light oil.



Very nice! We do have similar tastes.

Have you done any large engravings where you’ve had to do the job in parts?

No, I’ve been able to adjust things enough that I haven’t had to break a project up. (I do break my projects into steps, but never really had to break the man engraving into sections or anything.)

Maybe these will help though?

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That came out great!!