Hello everyone! I have just purchased the pro and I am wondering if anyone has suggestions on any accessories I should purchase as well to get started? Are there any things under the "spare parts’ section that I should purchase also? Thank you so for much for your help!
Typically nothing under spare parts, unless you need extra pairs of laser safety glasses. We’ve had several conversations in forums about the non-Glowforge extras.
This is a good resource for extras you might want for working with your Glowforge.
Now if you wear down or break something, the Spare Parts become useful.
My first recommendation is to search the forums thoroughly. There are a bunch of posts like this that go deep. Lemme find one for you.
(Be sure to read the discussions that are linked in there too. It’s a rabbit hole but it will answer questions you don’t even know you have.)
Also there are a lot of “getting started” posts that can really get you headed in the right direction, here’s a good one:
And know that there are a lot of us freaks here that are always happy to answer questions, and love seeing completed projects, even first cuts. (The excitement level at seeing a new owner getting involved hasn’t gone down.)
Congrats and welcome!
Maybe just me, but i would recommend a spare lens and a spare lens removal tool. The former is one you’ll be handling a fair amount, and if you drop it, you’re out of commission. It’s a consumable part, so you’ll need it one day anyways. The lens removal tool - it’s cheap and when you need to clean and can’t find yours, it’s nice to have a backup stored away somewhere safe.
A lot depends on the path you expect. The path you know of wood, leather, or acrylic would likely mean that you have most needed tools. For myself I was starting from scratch pretty much as most tools had been lost in recent moves. I had expected that few other tools would be needed but nothing could be further from the case. The Glowforge does the layout and usually the cutting but clean up and assembly and finishing are still old school.
Prime among needs is a set of many , and many kinds of clamps as they will be needed whenever two or more of the parts are gathered together by glue or even snap fit. I find a jewlers saw very handy as the blades are as thin as the laser cuts, but they do take an acquired hand to not break them at every cut.
A basic issue with the laser is that for the most part you get just one bite of the Apple and after that you are on your own to either finish or pile up scrap to the ceiling trying to get everything just right. Beyond that sanding sawing drilling and even routing the sides are all useful to have about.
Durn spell check keeps giving me carp.
Yep, yep, yep, yep…without ado I present you with my personal list of “Stuff You Need” that you just don’t know yet.
Good pair of Digital Calipers. (You’ll use them for entering material thickness.)
Vinyl Weeding Picks (useful for checking to see that something cut through before moving the backing material)
Plastic Razor Blades (very useful for weeding bits of masking - won’t scratch the finish)
Wireless Snake Camera (useful for checking things out inside the machine, knowing when time to clean)
Mr. Magic SqueeGee (Best for applying the Masking)
Narex 1/8" Chisel (great for cleaning out a tight slot)
Gorilla Tape (weeding again, and removes char)
Emory Boards (great for touch up sanding)
And since you have the Pro model, you need one of these gizmos unless you have a really big table Steel Roller Stand .
That should get you started.
Really, high tack? I always get medium, am I missing out?
I had a lot of trouble getting the medium tack to stick to some of the stuff I was testing at first…it wafted up and caught fire in one episode that I wrote up once…somewhere. Fireflies
Now that was after brayering the masking down, (but not enough apparently), and I let it sit in a fairly humid room while I went to have dinner. Not good. The strands lifted, caught fire and wound up in the exhaust fan…which led to the write-up on how to clean your fan.
I use medium tack for non-porous or fragile materials. Wood gets high tack.
All a good list though I think the electronic micrometer is also a plus to go with the calipers as it gets an extra decimal point, As for the stand I just lucked out as amazingly enough I have been using the box that the crumb tray came in {that happened to be the perfect size) as my stand though with a bit of ingenuity you could build the same with the Glowforge,
I have medium tack and it barely sticks no matter how much I burnish it. The low-tack I don’t touch, although I would use it for fragile paper items. Next time, I’m getting the high tack.
Medium tack sticks to wood very well if you sand it a bit first. It sticks so well that it pulls fibers if you’re not careful. I use medium exclusively.
WOW!! First, thank you all so much! I posted this before I went in to work and have just seen all the awesome response! It feels awesome to be a part of such a wonderful group of helpful people! Now… I start reading through everything to prepare to begin this journey! I must admit, reading some things about catching fire, etc makes me a little nervous … I will have to be sure to read everything I can get my hands on in regard to operation twice! Thank you all so much again!
Congratulations! My recommendation … Is most of the above … But to read as many forum posts as possible before your unit arrives.
Reading the forum helps you to foresee many things that might be concerning when you get started … Turns that concern into … Oh yes! … I remember reading that it takes longer for the light when setting up wi-fi. Etc.
The reading gives you the knowledge to just enjoy all the fun.
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