I got the idea from @marmak3261, so I can’t take all the credit, but I have been having a lot of fun making all kinds of night lights. Here is a picture of one of the latest ones that I made.
I got the night lights from Amazon, https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01HWKEKM4/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o01_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1
There are several different lights that look similar, but these are the least expensive that I found. I have both types. The ones that I listed use Philips screws that can be removed from the case, the other more expensive ones use a triangular screw that is difficult to remove. The clear plastic is not acrylic and will not laser well, so I recommend that you use PG thick Acrylic. Here is what the image that I sent to the Glowforge looked like.
I have made lots of different ones and they are easy to make and only take about 27 minutes. I used the 3D setting on the Glowforge to do the engraving and left the masking on the acrylic because there will be a haze around the engraving if the masking is removed.