No Foolin'

Yes but you should also be able to draw on a piece of wood, scan it and engrave over the top and cut it out. You seem to think that is not possible but it is one of the advertised features, no 1 in fact.


Jules was deeply involved in digital cutters like cynd11. She has a pre-release unit. It’s possible this is an apple and oranges thing or even an orange and tangerine misunderstanding between the two worlds. Because right now it feels to me like there is a lot of telling Jules she doesn’t know what she’s doing, when there is a long history to the contrary.


Yes, you can do this. You will be able to do this.


So that implies you should be able to cut out some printed artwork. It’s the same thing with engraving over it disabled. If it can cut around a pencil outline surely it can see a printed outline.


Actually, what she is saying is that “you WILL be able to do this”

Note the tense…


So why printing lines out and tracing it be different? Seems like we are hitting the limitations of the camera, and it remains to be seen if the software “magic” will actually resolve any of this.

I obviously need to get the GF first, so everything is in the future for me, the question is how far in the future.


She’s making statements as if they’re factual, when they have no factual basis at all. They’re patently false. It doesn’t do anyone any good to spread misinformation on the forum.

It will NOT take a full rewrite of their system for this.
It will NOT take 3 years to add fiducial tracking.

You should be able to use the glowforge to trace any outline whether it’s printed or drawn as long as the edge is visible


Do me a solid folks…remind me to not ever attempt to explain something on this forum again. :smile:

We’ll all be the better for it.

I am going to go write up the steps necessary to create a physical 3-Point registration system to achieve perfect Print and Cut file results on this laser cutter, the way it is right now. Might be easier than trying to explain it this way.


Not sure of @cynd11’s exact usage, but here is the link to a previous discussion on some of these issues.

It seems to me the question is “how exact” can you trace around an existing object (either hand drawn or digitally created) and cut it “exactly” on the lines or on the perimeter of the line? Can you do this with multiple items in the bed like the cats?

I think this Glowforge feature is central, but qualified as to how exact the cut outline is going to be.

My Prerelease can trace an outline and cut it on one item at a time in the center of the bed. If I ensure that the thickness of the material is entered in.

Paper is a little bit different though. It is very thin. I noticed some interesting behaviors with the trace and place from a piece of paper. Will document some more when I get connected back home to the Glowforge.


I shook my head when I read those statements. I wouldn’t have written them, but lord knows I’ve typed many a thing I should not have in 20/20 hindsight. Those statements, however, were written in a response that was trying to clear up what Jules seems to think was a misunderstanding of a suddenly hot topic. The tone as I read the posts before Jules long explanation, was OMG the glowforge is a scam it cannot even do #1 on the list of things it is supposed to do. That may be true, but it may also be true that there is a misunderstanding. I want to focus on the issue of “on one side there seems to be a bunch of proof it can do this, on the other side a pre-release user may have just posted that it cannot,” and ignore the rest until and if it becomes a thing.

My perspective is probably biased. Last night I read a qualification plan with a huge error. This morning I learned after seventeen years that the research scientists use the exact same phrase as the software group, but have a similar but critically different definition. Now, the qual plan makes perfect sense.


I recall… a video I believe it was. Where somebody said you could measure a nut, draw a wrench for it, and cut that wrench out and it would perfectly fit said nut. I’m paraphrasing here. It might not have been a nut and wrench, but a similar combination of part and driver.

Also this is a much easier thing to do than double sided cutting because only the top surface features are being scanned and aligned to. If it can’t engrave super accurately over lines on the top surface it has no chance of being able to do double sided cuts because there it has to align to the bottom edges.

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My understanding is that the head camera will be involved in two-sided and pass-through cutting, so we can’t really predict how well they will perform based only on lid camera performance.

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The posts before the “long one” were a reaction to Dan treating the misalignment as a “bug” and Jules saying it was never a feature to begin with. No one ever said anything about a “scam.”

True but if the lid camera doesn’t turn out to be accurate enough for trace mode then the head camera will need to be used for that as well.


Ha! Cynzumort :wink:

And I’m staying away from the rest of this thread…


Two things.

  1. “report a bug” doesn’t mean “it is a bug”, although I understand where the confusion comes from. We rely on our prerelease customers to tell us where the product departs from their expectations, and the mechanism for doing that is colloquially referred to as filing bugs. If you expect your Glowforge to be purple, and it isn’t, you should let us know by filing a bug. That doesn’t mean it should be or will be purple. It means there was a disconnect between your expectations and your experience, and we always want to know about that.

  2. I’m disappointed to see people who I respect so much in their pursuit of knowledge resort to finger pointing and incivility. There is room for many opinions here. There’s also room for many mistakes; believe me, I’ve seen no shortage of them since this board was created. It’s on all of us to recognize the good intentions of each other and contribute to each others’ knowlege - a task this community is, as a whole remarkably good at doing.


@dan, an official communication would clarify a lot of this discussion, because when people are putting out opinions as fact, it confuses everyone else. Maybe in the April update?


So does core feature number one mean the Glowforge can cut and engrave exactly over a drawing and so, by disabling the engrave part, can cut out existing artwork? Or does it mean something else? Jules seems to imply it only means it can scan artwork and then cut / engrave it on another substrate.

This is what the disagreement is about and I haven’t noticed any incivility myself, just total contradiction otherwise known as an argument… Is arguing not civil?