Ohio State Icosidodecahedron

A co-worker is retiring in the next couple weeks and he’s a huge Ohio State buckeyes fan. I made him this Icosidodecahedron as an art piece for his retirement. This is made out of Baltic Birch, and rowmark color shop woods. This project has sort of rejuvenized some of my other polyhedral initiatives, as I have a couple new shapes that have just been sitting in my desk for a couple months.


Wow, what a memorable piece! This might be one of your best icosidodecahedra yet.


Very nice to look at!




That is amazing!!! And you know it has to be really amazing if a University of Michigan grad says nice things about a gorgeous object, even when it is covered with Ohio State symbols!!!

The only change that could improve it is if it had Michigan’s Block M, a Wolverine and M go Blue instead of Ohio State stuff!!! :slight_smile:

You continue to make amazing things!!!


Being a University of Wisconsin grad, it’s tough to make something like this without a little hesitation. I thought about putting something like “Go Bucky!” or “OSU Sucks” engraved on the inside that no one would ever see, but figured I’d play nice and leave it be. I just know that the Rhombicosidodecahedron prototype I made for myself has more sides, so it must be better. On Wisconsin!


Ok, that is funny. I would so do that!

I’m a bulldog (UGA) living in gator (UF) land and I have finally started making things for my new friends. To keep the peace, I haven’t told my husband LOL.


This is absolutely beautiful.

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Wow, that is nice too!!! And Badger symbols are more acceptable because my wife was on the faculty at UW-Madison!!!

LOL on your comment OSU sucks!!!

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It would be appropriate on a Buckyball?
Wondering when someone cuts one out of leather sews it together to actually play with?


How are you holding the pieces together interior-wise?

3D printed internals held by screws.


Thank you for the info!

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O-H… and beautiful design. #GoBucks

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Is the O a sticker or did you dye it?

Red oil based Sharpie pen.

Let me know if your ever willing to part with the pattern for a fellow buckeye!

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OMG!!! Is there anyway that you would be willing to Sell the file for that? It would make the PERFECT Christmas gift for my dad. He went to OSU and we are ALL HUGE Buckeye fans.

I-O…It is sooo amazing.

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If someone shares a print that they’ve made, please respect their sharing and do not ask for the source design or artwork. Designs take work and have value, and when you ask someone to give you that value for free, you undermine their work.

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