Paste from illustrator: coming in at 75% size

i’ve never had this issue before and i’ve been using copy/paste from illustrator for years.

copy this 1x1" square:


paste and get this 0.75 x 0.75" square.

this is what my pasteboard preferences look like.

I’m wondering if either Illustrator or the GFUI has “upgraded” to include the LPI in a copy/paste.

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I just reproduced this… and realized that something I made last night likely came out smaller than I had intended =P

Here’s what the SVG code looks like coming out of Illustrator: (for a square that in Illustrator measures 0.96")

<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" width="70.12" height="70.12" viewBox="0 0 70.12 70.12"><defs><style>.cls-1{fill:none;stroke:#e81e25;stroke-miterlimit:10;}</style></defs><rect id="Face" class="cls-1" x="0.5" y="0.5" width="69.12" height="69.12"/></svg>

Illustrator is converting it to pixels at 72dpi, and the SVG measurements are in pixels :frowning:

My feeling is Illustrator may have changed and broken my favorite workflow.

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i was thinking that was probably true, too.

i already had another run-in with something changing in the copy/paste workflow a month or two ago.

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Note: My test was on Illustrator 25.4.1

Interestingly enough I did this same workflow last night on a different computer, and didn’t have this problem.

Let me run upstairs and look at that computer…

Yup, here’s the SVG copy/paste code from that machine:

<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 25.2.3, SVG Export Plug-In  -->
<svg version="1.1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px" width="70.12px"
	 height="70.12px" viewBox="0 0 70.12 70.12" style="overflow:visible;enable-background:new 0 0 70.12 70.12;"
<style type="text/css">
<rect id="Face_1_" x="0.5" y="0.5" class="st0" width="69.12" height="69.12"/>

Dimensions and stuff are pretty much the same, but there’s a clear comment showing it’s coming from Illustrator… which GFUI must be paying attention to.

But somewhere between Illustrator 25.2.3 and 25.4.1 they removed that comment from the copy paste…

Now maybe there’s a setting somewhere…

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i’m still on 25.3.1 on this machine (work). i haven’t tested this from my personal machine which is up to date.

so my guess is 25.3 is the “we broke it” version. because that’s also the version i started having the earlier issues with.


i really don’t want to have to start exporting everything again.

Hmmmm some how I just fixed mine =P

I’m getting this code now:

<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns=""
width="0.9739in" height="0.9739in" viewBox="0 0 70.12 70.12">
      .cls-1 {
        fill: none;
        stroke: #e81e25;
        stroke-miterlimit: 10;
  <rect id="Face" class="cls-1" x="0.5" y="0.5" width="69.12" height="69.12"/>

which worked correctly.

What I did was:

Did an export as SVG with these settings:

Then tried copying and pasting again… and got what I expected.

My current theory is Illustrator does keep some amount of state about your SVG export settings, and those get applied when you copy paste.

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sadly, that did not work for me. i already had AICP checked. and i tried exporting with the same settings you did, still copy/pastes in at 75%.

Just created a new document, with a 1x1 square to test, and it worked correctly.

<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" 
     width="1.0139in" height="1.0139in" viewBox="0 0 73 73">
      .cls-1 {
        fill: #fff;
        stroke: #000;
        stroke-miterlimit: 10;
  <rect class="cls-1" x="0.5" y="0.5" width="72" height="72"/>
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What about your units settings?

Mine’s inches… not sure if it matters

points, but i’m not sure that should make any difference. there’s no scaling to that.

Points and Pixels both get treated as 1/72 of an inch, so if your export is specified in “pt” instead of “in”, that might explain it.

Can you try pasting here into the forums? So I can see the SVG code you’re getting? Maybe that’ll help us diagnose.

This is a simple 1" square.

<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" width="72.4753" height="72.4753" viewBox="0 0 72.4753 72.4753">
      .cls-1 {
        fill: none;
        stroke: blue;
        stroke-miterlimit: 10;
        stroke-width: 0.4753px;
  <rect class="cls-1" x="0.2377" y="0.2377" width="72" height="72"/>

and i can see where it’s presuming 72dpi there.

Hmmm… are you sure you didn’t have
[x] Responsive
checked last time you exported as SVG?

Here’s a quick video I just recorded trying to debug this:
I’m able to go back and forth between it working and not working… so hopefully this helps

nope, responsive has always been off.


Maybe worth noting that I’m on a Mac, and I believe you’re on Windows, yes?
So maybe there’s some difference in how Illustrator is maintaining these settings.

The SVG code you posted though, looks like responsive is on, i.e., it doesn’t have a specified width and height.

yes, windows.

i’ll take a closer look tonight, in conf call hell the rest of the afternoon.

I just made a 1"x1" square in 25.3.1 (mac)

Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 1.02.53 PM

copy/pasted into the GFUI: looks good.

here’s the code:

<svg id="Layer_1" data-name="Layer 1" xmlns="" width="1.005in" height="1.005in" viewBox="0 0 72.338 72.338"> <rect x="0.169" y="0.169" width="72" height="72" fill="#fff" stroke="#231f20" stroke-miterlimit="10" stroke-width="0.338"/> </svg>

Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 1.01.14 PM
Screen Shot 2021-08-26 at 1.02.13 PM

Not sure if this helps.

I also did a “Save As” SVG with the following settings:

also came into GFUI fine:

code for that one:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- Generator: Adobe Illustrator 25.3.1, SVG Export Plug-In . SVG Version: 6.00 Build 0)  -->
<svg version="1.1" id="Layer_1" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" x="0px" y="0px"
	 width="1080px" height="1368px" viewBox="0 0 1080 1368" enable-background="new 0 0 1080 1368" xml:space="preserve">
<rect x="249.1053" y="488.4211" fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="#000000" stroke-width="0.3378" stroke-miterlimit="10" width="72" height="72"/>

the code is clearly different, but I’m not the person to tell you why.

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The key here seems to be the use of Artboards, and how that may have changed in Illustrator’s export settings. I can’t be sure. I want to make it abundantly clear that this isn’t a workflow I’ve used in the past, so I don’t have the wealth of experience you all have with what to expect. I do know that I usually create my Artboard to match the Glowforge app Workspace (20" x 12") to avoid any unexpected scaling issues. That said, I can easily replicate the behavior you’re seeing when I export as an SVG, copy the SVG, and paste that into the Design Library.

I can also get my test square to load in at the expected 1" x 1" dimensions by making sure the following things are true:
1. The base file has a 20" x 12" Artboard defined
2. “Use Artboards” is checked when the file name is set
3. “Responsive” is unchecked when the export settings are defined

I’ve provided screenshots so you can see the other settings I used, but these are all standard. The only things I changed were the Artboard size, the Use Artboards option, and the Responsive setting.

Can you try those settings out, and let me know if it helps?
