Pentagonal Hexecontahedron

Very cool. Didn’t respond to the original post since I was away from my GF for all of February. Still, would have been fun to watch things come together, but secrecy was a priority. Great job.


Thank you for this wonderful gift! The time, energy, kindness and stunningly beautiful end result were all very moving. :slight_smile:


This was such a thoughtful gift. I love the care y’all took with both the construction AND the beautiful photos so that we can appreciate the detail in each and every tile even before we’re able to see this in person :slight_smile:


Thank you so much for coming together and creating this incredible gift for all of us. Not only did you give us your AMAZING creation, but you also gave us a reason to all get together on video.

As you can tell from Dan’s post, everyone (myself included) was grinning from ear to ear. Thanks for your creativity, time and personality you put into each piece. It is truly stunning.


So glad you like it! @pubultrastar is the world’s best cat herder.


Man, I was grinning like a fool the whole time I watched this. SO validating to see how much everyone appreciated our labor of love!

I’m looking forward to seeing @Dan’s reaction when he finds the key to @timjedwards’ “Dan Brown” tile.


I fear I don’t really have the words to express how amazing this is or at least not enough time to work out the right words. I’ve never felt very good at making art even though I believe it’s at the core of what it means to be alive. But that I can help other people make art has helped me keep going through some rough times and find meaning in the world. Thank you all so much for believing in us.


Thank you all sooo much for this wonderful gift! I was tearing up a bit while watching the unboxing, it means so much to me that you all put in so much effort to make something beautiful for us. I here to help people more easily make whatever their heart desires! I’m completely astounded that y’all would collaborate on this work of love. Words are failing me, so I leave it simply say we have the absolute best customers and we’re all working so hard to earn your unfair awesomeness!


This has been the best thing I’ve been involved in for quite awhile. It brought those of us participating even closer together and it was so much fun to see it slowly come together. @pubultrastar is a master at herding us creative cats and encouraged everyone’s input including using voting! We were all on high alert as soon as we knew the box had been delivered and were wondering what was happening and when and how the big reveal was going to take place. I was about to go to sleep last night (EST) when the video was posted. So excited to see Dan and staff responses, I watched it twice, and again as soon as I woke up. Little did we know when we started that we all needed something to lift our mood out of quarantine mindset and how amazing this would turn out in so many ways. Thanks all around!


Stunning!! What a great thing to do.


@dan Just fantastic! Proud to have participated! Nice job @pubultrastar! You should be proud!!


Turn the key! (But then put it back.)


Oh! I didn’t realize myself that it nested. That single tile needs to be in a museum.


@dan ^!!! It’s the way in!

I’ve worked on a lot of consumer products in my career - the metric that most companies use to gauge how much their customer loves their product is the user review (these days, mostly Amazon’s). To have customers spend their time, effort, and money to create an amazingly creative and thoughtful gift to send back to a company they bought products from just blows my mind. I am so thankful that we have such thoughtful customers and community members. You are all incredible people (and inspiring artists!).


That piece is so cool…


I still can’t believe you tackled this!


I watched the unboxing live. Then watched the video again. I bought the book. Am so astounded by the artistry, craftsmanship, and love that went into this gift. Made my day. Made my week. Made my month! Many, many thanks to all y’all!


This is the incredible sort of thing that makes me so proud to do what I do, and so happy to help you awesome folks every day! I was unfortunately in a meeting with @Rita during the unboxing, so you couldn’t see me on that call, but rest assured I watched the video later with these expressions, in order: :thinking: :slightly_smiling_face: :hushed: :open_mouth: :astonished: :flushed: :star_struck: :heart_eyes: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: :blush: :blush:



This is so so amazing y’all. This really astounding and wonderful community is what I love so much about working on the Glowforge. This community motivates me so much and I have no words for how lovely and touching this is :heart:


Really enjoyed the video!!! So exciting!

Thank you to @pubultrastar for all your incredible work!!