I’ve been looking for a thin, translucent flexible material to make layered image lampshades with. I think this would work, but only 5 colors. This is a pink,green,orange and yellow layer with PG Eco Thin on top. The hibiscus was my first try. The Lucent cuts detail very well - designed for cutting stencils. Anyone have another material suggestion? (The square is about 5”, the hibiscus 2.5”)
I can’t really use paper - not substantial enough.
I use lucent for its intended and never thought of stretching its use case. Thank you for the idea.
What about lamp or flash gels? Come in a ton of colors.
I’ve seen some that claim to be pvc and some that claim not to be.
Seems to be available in sheets or rolls…
I had looked at those but forgot about them! Thanks!
I’ve been experimenting with alcohol inks mixed into clear Elmer’s glue. I’ve had one sitting in a window for about 6 months and I’ve seen no noticeable fading. Next experiment is putting it into a shape! The hardest part is waiting for it to dry.
I also did one with a backing that was glued to the black lines and filled in the voids equity straight alcohol ink. Gorgeous, but definitely fades in strong sunlight.
If it’s not an LED lamp I’d suggest upgrading to theatrical gels (Rosco is probably the biggest brand) as they’re heat resistant so you don’t end up with a white spot in the middle of your gel. If it’s cool to the touch, the flash gels should do just fine.
Color your own clear material with alcohol inks? They work great on acrylic.
Wow! Nice work! Love the ideas!
I have rather shaky hands and am not too good at consistently measuring so that my colors are consistent. I would rather have the majority pre colored in case I mess up and need to repair or recut.
I didn’t think they were laserable.
I am sort of addicted to the clear flex from Smokey Hill Designs. Hundreds of choices. PatternPly® Acrylic Transparent Icy Stained Glass – Smokey Hill Designs
OMG! I can certainly see why!!! That is gorgeous!
These are so cool
Check out Smokey Hill Designs Laser supply. They have a product known as flex which may work for your use.
Thank you! These are gorgeous!
For those on the other side of the pond, Lee is a fantastic UK gel company (slightly pricier than Roscoe but very precise optical properties)