Stickers, Anyone make custom ones?

Gosh how nice it’d be to have a “tips” section of the forums. With no BS in it. Just straight up tips with clear names like “Adhesives.”


I first read that as “barn dust” and this popped into my head

And for that cat dander

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Can’t like the wrapped animals. I’m hoping they are Photoshopped.


Nope! Local – NBC10 Philadelphia
I live in the area. I remember when this happened. It was just a few years ago.

Pro tip: You don’t want to visit North Philly. I don’t care who you are, what color you are, what religion, what age.
(When I say I live in the area, I mean within 40 miles.)


You realize 40 miles gets you all the way to Wilmington, DE and almost to Princeton?

Thank you…I am learnin !

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Uhhh… Yes. Been living here for over 40 years. But, uhhh, thanks for naming those, I guess.?


Sorry, that was pretty insensitive of me!

Now I’m remembering how mad my wife was when I duct taped the kids…


back in the day I remember a teacher duct taping a kid to his desk because he would not stay in his seat. I also remember one kit getting duct tape on his mouth because he wouldn’t shut up. Now you would loose your job and probably face a law suit. In those days it was a rather effective tool. Some days I think my wife (3rd grade teacher) wishes she worked in a different time :stuck_out_tongue:


I had a contract for many years out in KoP. it really didn’t seem bad at all. I’m pretty sure that’s in your 40 mile radius. Has it really gone down hill?

Maybe we should make it 60 :wink:


KoP, no. Pretty much the same as it’s been for many years. Nothing wrong there. It’s just North Philly. North Philly has always been that way for as long as I can remember. I grew up in West Philly (if you’re singing the theme song, I’ll say yes… literally around the corner from Will Smith). Moved to Pottstown about 20 years ago. That’s just 20 minutes up the road from KoP. I’m in KoP and Philly all the time though.

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Is this the clear stuff or is this the stuff you used in your pictures with the legends garage design with a slight haze to it? Amazon is only saying they have clear, wanted to make sure if I do the clear contact paper it can still be lasered too.


Yes, I was singing the theme song as I read that.


Just to make sure everyone is clear on this…You don’t want to laser ANY contact paper if it is vinyl.

Unless you know specifically that it is PVC free…vinyl is a no-no in lasers.

Use the contact paper in digital cutters (Silhouette, Gazelle, Wishblade, CraftRobo, Cameo)…not the Glowforge.

If you meant the clear transfer tape…that gets used after the cut comes out of the laser, so it shouldn’t make any difference. The masking tape that goes on materials that get lasered is a paper masking tape with adhesive.

This is one of those safety things that @dan will probably have to lock the thread over, but it can damage both the lens and your lungs.

Wait until you read the Glowforge safety manual before you spend too much on something you can’t use. :relaxed:


The stuff I use is the 582U (yellow tube, medium-tack) and the 592U (red-tube, high-tack). I was using the 592U in the photos above. Below is a photo of the 582U.

The stuff I don’t like is any of the clear. I don’t like how it lays out, I don’t find any use to the clear

I realize that I was mistaken about all the clear transfer tapes being vinyl. The clear stuff above that I don’t like is listed as being “acrylic-faced” on amazon, but the safety-data sheet from the manufacturer says it is polypropylene. What I do know for sure is that I hate working with it.

Take any advice from strangers on the internet, including me, with a grain of salt, and do your own research on the advice given. The manufacturer of TransferRite is ABITape, the website has saftey data sheets, samples, and links to customer service reps who can actually answer questions.

Amazon does not have the largest selection, unfortunately. The sign supply sites have a much larger selection of sizes (and brands for that matter, just because I like one brand better doesn’t mean that you have to! They were, however, the only ones to get back to me with a positive answer when I was calling around looking for an official word on what products were laser-safe. Several of the companies just said “I dunno”.)


Could be useful. I’d call it YMMV. :smile:


Don’t see a reason to go that extreme, I think we all know not to laser vinyl from any form thread on here. Just was checking the paper based transfer that was suggested. So many good tips and info on here would love to see more too, not sure it needs locked from a basic question if that what you mean.

@jbv I did have another question about your Lein Lab decal, is that multi layered or is that printed out like that then laid out as one sticker or did you have to lay the black then do another sticker to lay the white over?


Awesome, thanks for the info man. So many cool behind the scene tips I never knew. I’d love to get into this full time. That and lasering once my GF gets here (super exciting). I have a pretty nice job and setup now but I like to work with my hands. Just something more satisfying to create something and put it out in the world then repeating the same thing everyday.

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