Stuck on Scanning 2020 edition

My glowforge is stuck on scanning. I have cleaned the lenses. Powered it down. Aligned it under the lid cam and no luck.

I did a search in the post and those were steps listed most often…

Anything else I can try?

A different WiFi network like a cell or mobile hotspot. That helps eliminate WiFi.


Are you using dark / shiny material? That can confuse it.

Also if too much light is shining into the machine – try covering it with a towel or something.

Otherwise I’d try the stuff in this post:


I have cardboard in it, it is pretty light. I will try the covering it up.

I had commented in a post as I was searching for help… and support told me to start my own post. Seemed a bit silly, but here I am. =)

Thanks for the tips. Hoping to be back up and cutting soon. Kiddos were pretty bummed to have it laid up.

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It’s not silly. It’s because posting in Problems and Support opens a support ticket. They track support tickets by customer, so there can’t be more than one customer per ticket. Makes perfect sense from their end. :slight_smile:

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:+1: Made sense when I read how it gets us troubleshooting with their assistance. thanks for sharing that post.

I simply typed scanning… the list of posts is quite large. Much wiser to have support shooting me info instead of just trying the stuff in there.

Thanks again!

It can also be helpful to support if you can post the date, time, and timezone when you had an issue so they can zero in on the machine logs quicker. :+1:

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Got it.
Started Monday 2-10-20
Still an inssue 2-12-20 EST 3:00 pm

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Thanks, everyone for the assistance.

The issues you’re seeing might be caused by a poor connection with the cables on your lid. Please follow the steps below to check the lid connections:

  1. Turn off your unit.

  2. Open the lid.

  3. Using both hands, gently roll the laser arm to the front of the unit.

  4. There are 5 clips pictured below. Check each one to ensure it is closed. The clip should lie flat, and you shouldn’t be able to flip it in any direction.

  1. If any of the clips are open, ensure the cable is inserted straight into the clip and close the clip.

  2. If any of the cables are misaligned in the clip, take a photo of the clip and cable and send it to me so I can take a look before you proceed. Do not try to adjust or reseat the cable.

  3. Close the lid.

  4. Turn your unit back on and wait for it to calibrate.

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Clips were all flat and looked aligned. Powered on with the bar positioned at the front, but it has not moved or made the normal noises for getting in position to calibrate yet. App shows scanning.

App shows centering. No movement though.

How long do a I wait for another thing to try?

You posted that at 4am Seattle time. I don’t think anyone is in the office just yet. :slight_smile:

=) Yeah… I was poking about the one 24 hrs earlier with no response…

No fun having kiddos create sweet projects and having to tell them I have no answers yet.

Thank you for checking that for us. Since everything is connected properly, this isn’t something we’ll be able to resolve on the forums. I’m closing this topic and I’ve reached out by email for the next steps.