The GF is stuck on ‘‘centering’’. The laserhead does not move towards the camera for centering. Manual placement under the camera does not help anymore. The image on the bed does also not update.
The GF has become less reliable over a month. At the first use we had to help the GF center by moving the head below the camera. Later, reboots were needed after each task, to get a new scan. As problems got worse, eventually the GF did not get past centering at startup.
The steppers motor control of the unit seemed to work good; IF a project started, it functioned well.
- We have followed the cleaning guide - we have reset the WiFi connection.
- Reseating the lens and ribbon connection
- External light are dim, and have not changed since the problems. We have also tried operating with black covers.
- checked cables in the lid according to this post: Stuck on "Centering"
- The connections from the cables in the lid have been checked, cleaned with alcohol, and measured with a multimeter for functionality.
We are missing opportunities while the GF is down, and have a deadline coming up.
Help/Tips/support would be appreciated.
With kind regards,