Super Glowforge survives battle with the Brown Menace! Kryptonian technology comes through for truth, justice, and the Maker Way!

right? and for signed deliveries you are supposed to inspect the contents before signing… “hey there UPS driver, stand here and watch me set up my glowforge” haha


The prerelease I got was delivered FedEx. Totally different method with basically overnighting the dang thing to me. It seems that the other PRUs got them an eyeblink after saying “heck yes!”. Was a bit surprised that UPS turned out to be the carrier now. Just sayin.

One of the interesting things would be to collate all the DOA PRUs. It seems that Glowforge may have been testing their support and return capabilities for these units more than just seeing how to ship them out, given the number of issues. Surely not, but at least support got a workout for returns and swaps.


Surprised that the SPU folks have not posted pictures of these gems.

As stated on the forum- The Glowforge is shipped in a foam ‘ribbed’ structure. Which protects the exterior of the machine. There are a couple engineering marvels on the interior.

These guys.

The threaded bits are to help locate and lock the X/Y assembly in place. The ‘saddle’ is used to prevent the X assembly from sliding uncontrollably. And the rubber bits acts as shock an absorber for the X/Y assembly and also protect the guide wheel assembly.

Mock Installed.

(*Note. The tray assembly should NOT be loaded in the machine if you plan on transporting it with the gantry locked. As it sits on top of the floor of the machine and does not lock in.)


When I transport my 3D printers I short out the stepper motors to stop the axes moving. They will still move under gravity but only very slowly so can’t do any damage. A shorting plug might have been a cheaper solution.


Right. On a machine that has one button.


Except for standing it on end despite the “this end up” stickers FedEx delivered my PRU in pristine condition. Might be time to switch carriers.




Nope…mine got dollied over by a chick half my size - tossed in front of the door, and I swear she literally took off after I told her I was going to need to take pics of the damage. She abandoned the box there before I could tell her I wanted to sign a ticket about the damage while I was fetching the phone.

FedEx is no better.


One would hope it was a red cord.

Rumor has it you get a couple extra watts out of the tube with a red cord :wink:


Or you can just push a couple extra watts through it and make the cord turn red :smiling_imp:


No, no, no, no, no.

We shall try to avoid that particular color change method.


I know you may get too big and busy someday, Glowforge, but do handwritten-thank-you-card kind of things for as long as you can. :cherry_blossom:


Might be safer just to point and laugh at the cord until it turns red but then you risk it running away and hiding.


I took pictures of all of that stuff as I was unboxing. That way I can re-box and send it back when @Rita asks. Every step before I did something I took a “before” pic and then and “after” pic.

Figured I’d do that with the Prod unit too because if I ever have to send it back I’ll have long forgotten how to put the pieces back together :slight_smile:

I think @jules has some experience turning red…maybe she has some hints on how to do it safely :wink:


That will usually cause it pretty well! :blush:


Just don’t sign their ticket until you’ve taken the photos. :smiley:

I didn’t get to sign for it at all…she literally ran down the walkway pushing a dolly. (Kind of funny actually.)


On residential deliveries, unless they are shipped signature required, UPS does not have you sign. GF should be shipped sig required though. It costs too much to just leave it on a doorstep


My guy brought it from the street up my sidewalk on a hand truck. I said uhhh, you’ll help me get it up my [4] steps, right? He said sure. Then he turned towards me and the house with it and I saw the top. I was like woah, that looks damaged. Let me get my camera. My brother and him brought it up the stairs and brought it just inside the door, and I came back with my camera phone.

I asked the guy if he had a cutter as he gently laid it to the floor and I started recording video. He opened it, and we determined that the unit itself had no obvious marks or wounds. I explained that this was a sensitive and expensive highly technical machine, and given the cardboard damage, there was no telling if it was actually going to function.

Good thing it does!


That’s good! And I know our UPS guy pretty well, so if they were delivering, it might not get dumped on the doorstep. (Not always true of FedEx either though, to be honest. I might have scared her a little with all the drool and the wild look in my eyes.)