I had a friend that is 30 years my junior drop by today and as we always do, we geeked out.
He had to see the Glowforge in action so we started printing and 4 hours later…
I made him a hero to his kids which kinda makes me a hero as well.
Besides these, I sent him home with a box full of my desk toys for “beta testing” by older kids. I doubt they will get near them as David seemed quite enamored with them.
So, making boxes and such is going to leave us with a lot of smallish pieces of PG and this stuff is relatively precious so I’d like to not be throwing a bunch of it away.
Not to fear, there are a lot of smallish things to make with it. But what to do when you’ve got rulers everywhere and all your luggage is tagged?
Well, creative toys of course as you can’t have too many. Boxes full are not too much. Good for five YO through EOL.
Here’s my first, I’m sure there will be many more. This one ne…