The Obligatory Escutcheon

Well, as it is a rite of passage, I will share mine.

It took a ridiculous amount of time and forced me to learn how to do things and use tools in programs that I haven’t before. So the project was well worth the time.

Plus, I get to be like all you great people.

I give you, Chugga Chugga Pew Pew

Or, if you want to close the boiler and not see the pretty light that powers the imagination, then you get this:

Central Pacific engine no 60… the Jupiter, a replica of which can be seen at the site of the last spike driven in the transcontinental railroad.


Ooooh! Love it! You guys are getting so creative with your escutcheons! :sunglasses::thumbsup:


Looks good but that nose is going to drive you crazy. I’d bring the prow of the cowcatcher up so it doesn’t extend past the edge of the GF. I would do that by modifying the cowcatcher vectors and not by resizing the whole thing. It won’t be to the same scale you have now but it will keep the light hole consistent and fit the GF button. The distortion of the cowcatcher shouldn’t change the overall vibe or be noticeable to anyone not train crazy :slight_smile:

If it’s all a raster then I would just cut a slice out of the picture halfway up the cowcatcher and the width of the overhang. Then move the bottom up to meet back up with the top. Might need some twisting or squeezing to get everything lined up but it will keep you from knocking the plate off every time you reach up.

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I agree… the overhang is bad. I can rotate it to face the corner of the room behind the server rack and then it doesn’t hang over.
It just means I gotta make another design.

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This has been the case for me, too…many times over. You did a great job and I know firsthand how good it feels to have learned something about how to do all this stuff. Welcome to our midst…we’re sure all in this together in one way or another. Looking forward to all that you do.


It can be forshortened as a whole. Since the photo was taken at ground level, you could skew the whole image to make up for that and it would even out a bit. But I like it as it is. It’s coming at you! And I giggled at the boiler cover. You could just pop a few rivet/bolt holes around the circumference to allow the light to come through it and then it could be a fixture.

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I went sailing down the rabbit hole on this one, looking up photos of classic streamliner locomotives… LOL… some of these would be cool to position so their headlight is over the GF button, even if a bit out of scale.


Wonderful idea, and your implementation is marvelous!


Love it, and the cover. If I cap the button or not will largely depend on how the cats react to the button.


Trains FTW!


I finally sat down and cranked one of these out. Decided to go for bling. I’m calling it “Let It Glow.” :laughing:

Materials: 1/8" baltic birch plywood, yellow paint, dimensional adhesive, gold leaf, Swarovski crystals.


Very nice!


Wowie Zowie! That looks sculpted! Great job! :sunglasses:


gold leaf, Swarovski crystals.

:clap: You are my people!


Let’s see yours!

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I got the founder stick out and that was as far as I did… so sad… Life keeps getting in the way. I’m hoping I can do better tonight!

I should really get my priorities straight!

Glowforge = #1


This is gorgeous! Love the gold, love the bling…well, after me and all my embossing powder stuff, you’d know that I love this. Makes me think of Louis XIV…the sun king.


Stick? STICK? That’s not a STICK, it’s a precision self-milled measuring device. Sheesh! Dan & co. should send someone to take it back over the border for someone who will appreciate it.

Stick. Sheesh. :wink:


LOL - :joy_cat:


I forgot. You don’t use the correct measuring units up there so to you it probably is just a stick.
