Tiny Art Objects

The glowforge pro came in about a week and a half ago.
I’ve been messing around with my drawing workflow to translate hand drawings into digital files that can be cut. So far it looks like lineart>Photoshop>Illustrator>Inkscape>GlowforgeApp then tweaking back and forth. It’s not painless, but relatively easy to convert artwork into vector files. The only thing I haven’t quite figured out is how to sort the cuts so it does the outer cut around the object last. Having the piece drop before the cutting is done is not the best. Will dig in the forums and see if there is a solution. So far this is all me diving in cold turkey, which I think says a lot about ease of use.

Here are some of the tiny arts that have happened!


Those are just lovely! :grinning:


Very striking designs and a great way to use up offcuts!
I love the Crow thread holder, my mother-in-law would take that in a heartbeat


Well those are certainly cool!

I don’t know how much trouble it would save but the Illustrator to Inkscape transition interests me. What prompts you to go to Inkscape from Illustrator — or, what is Illustrator not doing?

Make the cutout/outline stroke a different color than the rest and it will make it a separate action in the user interface.


Ah, I will try that cutout technique tonight! Thank you!

So far my CS5 version of Illustrator does not like exporting SVG files correctly. When I use the SVG directly from Illustrator the files either don’t work or have issues like cuts not showing up. Exporting the AI file from Inkscape has been an easy workaround.

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Here’s a link to some custom palettes:

The way the Glowforge interprets operation order is by line color. The palettes on that page are set up so you can assign the colors in order and the Glowforge will read them “first to last”.

The official recommendation for Illustrator SVG’s is to “Save As” or Save As Copy (Save as Copy works great for saving a native AI file and an exported version for the cutter, say, if you have text and it has to be converted to outlines) but I have no issues with exporting them.

Try these settings when you save a SVG from Illustrator.


Or, if you use Export for Screens (can’t remember if that’s how CS5 is set up), you can create Export Presets which would look like this:


Ah thank you so much! This is super helpful. Testing it out right now.


His suggestions should work for you as I am using CS5 with no problems.


These are just delightful. I have a pretty decent skull collection (mostly U.S. mammals) and I’ll say that your drawing skills are excellent. I think about a gazillion fiber artists would want to buy your thread holder.


Those are wonderful!

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They’re really wonderful :slight_smile:

As one does…

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those look great.

i’m glad @jbmanning5 was able to get your illy>inkscape step eliminated. i was wondering about that myself.

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Me too, but mine are mostly unclassified :wink:


Very well done.

It is really enjoyable to experience the creativity of others. :+1:

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Great start Katy! I especially love the Raven spool. :heart:

Thought I’d share a nice little link to a SVG “cleaner” that has fixed a few files for me just in case you can use it.


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The dinosaurs are amazing!

Happy cake day!


Some really neat prints! Love these!