Ultra-high detail model of the new Tesla Cybrtrk

This one was one of the favorites from Core77:

“You’ll notice the driver- and front-seat-passenger-seats are different; only the driver has a height-adjustable headrest. We didn’t want to spend the money on doing that for the passenger seat, because chances are you won’t be carrying any, since your friends won’t want to be seen in this car.”



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Give it a few years and it may be seen as ground breaking - ahead of its time. Design is some tough ground to break.


And sometimes you’ve got an Edsel.


I dunno man, 146,000 might pay for their tooling… :stuck_out_tongue:
it’s going to be interesting to see the market’s reaction. There is some serious innovation in that vehicle. Just judging from the audience’s emotional reaction from cheers to hear a pin drop, I expect he was right - “It’s not for everyone.”


That’s about 20K more than all 8 years of Pontiac Aztec sales.

The big question is what happens after the first orders are shipped - does demand crater?


JB, listen to me very carefully, I think you are suffering from some kind of carbon monoxide poison from the RV or maybe you’re in Colorado partaking of some local flavor, but whatever it is, you need some fresh air dude. That thing is so fugly. :sunglasses: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Kind of the same way I see babies. They all look like a tiny Mr. Magoo. If a person worries about the looks of a truck, they shouldn’t own a truck.


And sometimes you’ve got an Edsel.

Or a Homer. (I seriously expected it to have a dome on top and 8 horns because you can never find a horn when you need one.)

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That’s a possibility… the carbon monoxide, not Colorado. Too cold for that!

I didn’t like it at first glance. But second and third glance, I started to like it more. It says, IDGAF. It says, I can’t eat gas, but I’m going to eat electricity for breakfast just because I can.


Didn’t realize this had a free (highly detailed) file attached. :smile:
Excellent job. (And it appears to be an accurate rendition.)


But babies have a shot at getting cuter. The truck, not so much. :wink:


It looks the way it looks for a reason: cost. They’re making the damn thing out of Stainless because, for whatever reason, Musk is in love with Stainless and wants to use it everywhere, especially in Space. The tools (“die”) you need to stamp steel are expensive, and they wear out quick so they have to be replaced fairly often. Those tooling costs add substantially to the cost of production. However, the tools are a lot less expensive to make (and you need fewer of them and you can complete stampings in a single step instead of multiple steps) if they are totally lacking in any fancy features.

They’re pricing this truck starting at $39K and it uses a lot more Stainless than a Delorean. In comparison, a Delorean price tag scaled up for inflation puts that car’s starting price at nearly $70K. So while Musk might be a stoner whackjob, there’s a method to his madness.


I am reminded of the old Land Rovers that were also short of fancy curves and what was considered ugly at first became classic


Can anyone who successfully cut this share what settings they used for cutting this from SS? I’ve been trying all afternoon and it’s not even leaving a mark. I can’t believe this paperweight can’t get thru this stuff!


I Think I Get It Now (Analyzing Social Media In Light Of 146,000 Reservations).

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Ugh… So in another 10 years I’m gonna be that guy? The one who has to have occasion to use the sentence “Back in my day, trucks were trucks! Real trucks! Not friggin’ spaceships!” or “You kids wouldn’t know a truck if it hitcha!”


The shape has grown on me a little, as a general/crossover vehicle. Not as a truck.

There can be no cab & chassis version of it. No flatbed option. Can it fifth-wheel? I can’t tell. Can it be fitted with a snowplow? A winch? A lumber rack could be made to work, but tool boxes? How does it fare when a front-end loader dumps a yard of gravel into it? Can the telescoping ramp deal with mud? What is the range when it is fully loaded? How much range do you lose each time you charge the atv… can it handle a whole weekend of camping and riding without carrying along a gas generator to charge it?


To be fair to the vehicle, I made a slightly more detailed version. Still not a truck.

Cut and score version:

Engrave, Score, and Cut version (throws mask and clipping path errors which can be ignored):
cybrtrk.pdf (910.7 KB)

This is the cut & score version, parked behind a truck:

Here is the PDF version with the shading engraved + score:


that is WAY better looking than the tesla truck.

btw, i like Truckla way better than this thing.

oh, and…

Elon Musk unveils Tesla’s Cyber-School Bus