The pictures of a few of the gaffes should show the issue. The outside of the part’s cut is done in two passes. They do
n’t seem to have overlapped. This is the third time a path couldn’t close when cutting. Any suggestions?
January 22, 2020, 10:19pm
Looks like a belt is slipping.
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How is the veracity of that ascertained?
I agree probably loose belt or debris in the track.
If you want a staff member to weigh in on this they’re going to want you to run a Gift of Good Measure (GoGM) since that removes any variables in the art.
So run that, post pics and a time, and then go check if all your belts look like this:
I’m sorry about the trouble with your print results when running at higher speeds. Regarding your alignment, since your unit engraved first and then cut, the cut being misaligned is likely related to the shift in your engrave.
Could you check the tension of the belt below your laser arm for me?
When pressing lightly on one side of the belt, the other side should not move.
Like this:
(You should see an animated image above)
Let me know if the belt is loose and I will follow up wit…
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January 22, 2020, 10:33pm
Support will not weigh in if you are not using proofgrade materials. I suggest you print the Gift of Good Measure on proofgrade draftboard to see if you can duplicate the problem on proofgrade materials with a Glowforge file.
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January 23, 2020, 12:57am
In order to check the tension on your belts, follow the instructions here:
Hello, thank you for letting us know about the trouble you’ve run into with your new Glowforge. To assist with troubleshooting, would you please check your X and Y axis belts for me to ensure they’re correctly tensioned?
For the X axis belt (Located under the Laser Arm)
Turn off your Glowforge.
Carefully remove the crumb tray.
Without removing the carriage plate and belt, locate the black pulley fastened by a metal screw on the right end of the laser arm.
Insert the short side of t…
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January 24, 2020, 5:00pm
I see you already emailed us about this and we’re working on it there, so I’m going to close this topic.