Received a pre-release Glowforge yesterday, and with the help of my kind son-in-law, was able to get it up and running quickly. At first, we had a connection issue, but that wasn’t on Glowforge, that was on me. We started out mainly doing traces, so that the two youngest grandsons could go home with a ‘souvenir’. They also made one each for two older brothers that weren’t able to be there. I first made my ruler, using the template provided by Glowforge. The ruler is becoming more and more the symbol of someone who has had the incredible fortune to use a Glowforge, so here is mine;
My grandsons made some little tokens of sorts…by hand drawing on a piece of paper with a black sharpie. We put it into the Glowforge and used the trace function. Took us a bit to figure out about getting double lines, but all in all, they came out great and they had a ball, as did the grownups watching. Here are some of their little medallions and tokens;
This morning, I wanted to try my hand at some of my own things. I had a design saved which uploaded fine as an SVG, however it wouldn’t accept my text because it needed to be converted to paths. I tried to do that in my design program but have still been unsuccessful, so far. I won’t quit trying though. Since I couldn’t use my design that way, I just printed it out and again used the trace feature to make some very small little wooden test card type things. ( it’s referring to an event we’re putting together this summer on the coast) Because the image of the crashing wave was very detailed, when placed on such a small area, the laser burned all those details that were bunched into one place, so when I peeled the masking from the wood, it pretty much just made a small hole in that spot. Might be difficult to see in this photo;
So next time, I didn’t remove all of the masking…especially in those very vunerable spots;
Last time was to make the piece larger, so that the detail in the wave wouldn’t suffer so much from the laser. This time, I chose the mid-dark engrave and left some of the masking on it;
And the same one with most all of the masking removed.
So that’s it for now…time to stop writing and time to start making stuff again!