What did you get done today?

That looks really good. Are those “feathers” engraved or the grain of the wood?

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yea, a 4 hr engrave, cause i am, well… a GLOWFORGE USER!



Not an uncommon time for engraves, but it looks ravenous. Watch that actual ravens don’t see you carrying it or you will be branded “enemy of ravens” for life.


I Don’t want the Wildlings to think I’m a crow.

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Almost at 20k steps, the day isn’t over yet. Setting up for sunset shots with the city view.


I did that last week & got my Covid booster at the same time. Not old enough for the “get the booster” program but turns out that long-Covid respiratory issues puts you in a “get it if you’re over 18” category because of increased potential for bad things to happen if I get Covid again.

The flu shot arm hurt more the day & next than the booster did. Got one in each arm and couldn’t sleep on my side without waking up the first day :smiley:


Damn right! (Besides, I love to go and watch them!)

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Currently on either a walker or for very limited moments a cane - now I need to figure out what I can do to beautify them.


Today’s final step count, 22,055. Started at 6:15am, ended at 8pm. Back at it at 6:30 am.

My feet are killin me.


I am not keeping track of my step count but it must be in the dozens at least. My knees are managing but only because my back is protecting them by going out first.


Another project DONE!


Very nice.

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Everything made on the Glowforge*

*well, except the lightbulb



Many years ago, someone gave me this tip and now I am passing it onto you. A great pair of EXPENSIVE hiking boots are perfect to wear if you do lots of walking. I would actually go to the store to try them on because some of them are heavier than others.

I purchased my pair in the 90s and $75 was considered expensive. Now a high-quality hiking boot is going to be over $200. Think of it as an investment for your feet.

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i have very good hiking shoes. lots of army training and this isn’t my first monster photo shoot (i’ve done a few buildings between 1m and 2m square feet). unfortunately for me, i have arthritis and all the running around tends to trigger at the end of the day. and the day the power was out for 6 hours, i was running stairs (in a 15 story building). it just is what it is.

still a lot of fun for me because it’s not my normal everyday job, and i get to hang out/work with friends i don’t see that often.

on the train back from philly to DC now. polishing off a cheesesteak (nothing special, food truck on my walk to 30th street station), drooling over a federal donut for dessert later. and looking forward to my own bed, my own pillow, my dog, and my wife (not necessarily in that order).

for a week full of trials (like power being off for a chunk of 2 days while we were shooting almost exclusively interiors and very cloudy/overcast except for yesterday morning/evening and this morning), we got a lot done and probably at least a few magazine-worthy shots.


I did not know you were a professional photographer. And I really enjoyed reading the above post

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I have arthritis in my left knee. I take 6000 mg of Turmeric a day. Play basketball for 2 hours 2x a week. give it a try and you might discover your pain takes a hike.


oh no, i’m totally not. i work for a large architecture firm and we have our own professional photographer who shoots most of our bigger projects (at least in the US). i’m a graphic designer and i was just there to assist, play gopher boy, set up shots, clean floors/walls, haul props, line up chairs (and chair casters), put linens on hospital beds, find missing furniture, track down people to turn on/off lights, hold lenses… just basically do all the dirty work so Dan can focus on getting the shot.

i tossed a camera in my bag, just in case i needed to grab a “documentation” shot and never even pulled it out. if i go back for round 2 in a couple of weeks, i doubt i’ll even bring it this time.

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One more behind the scenes, 7am, catching a time lapse with light washing across the building and people/cars going by.


I also dabble in photography, here is a picture In Prospect Park, Brooklyn as I am heading to work.