I like Jules’ list. Little bit of everything there. Ha I’ve been collecting leather and plaque sized things for a while. I also have some cutting boards left from a speaker stand project for our surround sound. (Then I made the jump to surround sound headphones) ha
I haven’t started collecting any materials yet. I’m not a superstitious person normally, but I don’t want to jinx anything
Like me, your not superstitious, just a littlebitstitious.
Another winner!
I’m not superstitious but I am super lazy today.
(It’s like regular lazy but I get to wear a cape over my underwear while hanging out on the couch.)
19" of snow in 12 hours! Sheesh.
I on the other hand am pondering the collect enough materials to block the front door and make the glowforge come faster plan.
That’s a GOOD one!
You are a funny guy!
21.5" of snow today.
Seriously glad I have a snowblower.
I have also been a little slow to fill the house with cutable items. Both from the standpoint of not alot of room and not alot of money this time of year. That being said I have wooden boxes plaques of all sizes boards reclaimed from our barn and 120 yr old farm house, I have bags and bags of deer hides from the hubbby and boys hunting over the years. I have shell veneers, vinyl, papers and fiberboard,and some acrylic. Guess I do have stuff already!
Just don’t use the vinyl in your Glowforge–PVC is a no-no! But you probably already knew that.
We broke a record on Thursday (was 85 degrees - new high for 2/9 ) Gotta love Tucson
The last couple of inches were insulting - once a snowstorm stops it should stay stopped.
I’ve got a ton of cardboard stored under one of the beds just waiting to be played with, a lot of veneer, a big stack of 12x12 1/4" sheets of baltic birch, a bunch of basswood, walnut, MDF, cork, acrylic, felt, different heavy paper stocks, and a bunch of domestic & exotic cutoffs that I got from Rockler as grab-boxes. I’ve also got some sheets of aluminum that I’m dying to put to play with Cermark.
An older thread, but it chronicles all the materials I had stockpiled the first year of waiting for the GF. I have continued to gather, but at a much slower rate since then. Only so much room to store materials.
I think he said a really GOOD set of calipers: https://smile.amazon.com/Mitutoyo-500-196-30-Advanced-Measuring-Resolution/dp/B00WMKUUAQ/ref=sr_1_1?s=hi&ie=UTF8&qid=1487019678&sr=1-1&keywords=mitutoyo+caliper+6+inch
If you need precision measurements often, they are worth it.
Dang girl…I think you are definitly prepared…
Could be better. (Lots of those things are also used in the 3D printing arena, so they were on hand.)
I would expect nothing less after what I saw she posted many moons ago:
You gotta click the link to really appreciate it…
Ah yes, my toy…it’s just about the only thing that’s organized around here.