Everything looks rosy (glowing blue button, Glowforge wifi appeared and selected in computer), but I get no setup window. Help?
Everything looks rosy (glowing blue button, Glowforge wifi appeared and selected in computer), but I get no setup window. Help?
You went to setup.glowforge.com and it’s not working?
Nope. No windows open, and when I put that into my browser it says I’m not connected to the internet (though I am signed on to the Glowforge’s wifi
Have a look at this video to see if it helps. Connecting to WiFi
After the Glowforge sends out its signal, you return to your home wifi and navigate to app.glowforge.com
Let us know if you get connected. If not, where are you getting hung up. We want you to get to printing as soon as possible.
Make sure you open setup.glowforge.com in your browser before you switch over to the machine’s WiFi.
I’m so sorry you ran into trouble during setup. It looks like your Glowforge is connected and you’ve been able to print since contacting us. That’s great!
I am going to close this thread. Please start a new thread if you’re still experiencing any problems.