I learned the hard way that checking the Responsive box when exporting to SVG results in your design being shrunk to 75% expected size when uploaded to the Glowforge UI.
Here’s a 1" square uploaded to the Glowforge UI as a responsive SVG and non-responsive SVG
The “non-responsive” one explicitly sets the height and width to 25.4mm (1 inch) whereas the “responsive” one doesn’t set the height and width at all. So it’s no surprise that the GFUI doesn’t know how big the responsive one should be.
All the other measurements in the file are in user units (bare numbers with no explicit units attached), which have no fixed mapping to real life units if the <svg> element doesn’t have an explicit size set. In that case the GFUI has to just guess, and I think it uses 96 user units per inch if the file doesn’t specify. (And because 72 is 3/4 of 96, you see 75% scaling as a result.)
Any SVG file needs to use real units (e.g., mm or in) throughout or it needs to establish the size of user units by setting the height/width on the outermost <svg> element. Any file which fails to do so is going to show up as different sizes in different programs, depending on what assumptions the individual program makes as to the size of user units. (Adobe uses 72 per inch, Inkscape and GlowForge use 96 per inch, etc.)
I figured out the same when trying to debug the problem. I almost fell into the trap of relentlessly pursuing a fix for the DPI in illustrator when I realized that the problem simply solved itself by not checking the box.
GF recommends that as well. Export functions tend to be stripped down protocol translators and what they strip out is often critical. Save As is a better approach if the software package supports it.
But don’t use the compressed SVG form (svgz) as that’s not compatible with much at all
Old habit from day job. Exporting as SVG strips out all illustrator specific metadata, resulting in a smaller file size. If Autodesk or Glowforge are dependent on that metadata, that would be the reason for issues on import.
Since the manual has no recommendations on working with Illustrator, I just went with what I knew. I haven’t had any other problems with Exporting as SVG, but it looks like I may need to change that
@Dan did confirm somewhere in the last couple of months that you want to use Save As not Export for saving the SVGs. They’re using something in the metadata but he didn’t say what.
I too am having scaling issues in Illustrator. The file comes out slightly oversized or undersized, always. A 3" rectangle in illustrator comes out to 2.7" or 3.3" ish in the Glowforge. ANY help is apprciated.
Well I feel dumb… I was visualy sizing the rectangle onto the ruler in the glowforge app. I didnt realize it had some margins in there so I was sizing to a ruler with .5" built into it. Thanks to everyone above who helped me adjust my SVG settings, those fixed my initial issue!!!