So, I like to add a little color to my projects, and in making up a batch of gift card holders (my goofy family would rather have gift cards than actual gifts–maybe they don’t like my shopping and home made things ) I engraved some designs on the tops that looked a tiny bit boring. They needed some color. It turns out that Draftboard has the perfect texture/tooth for using colored pencils, in this case Prismacolor pencils. I think they add a nice touch.
@cynd11, All of us who will be without the company of a GF over this coming holiday season will nonetheless have renewed enthusiasm from your generosity in sending us each a PG gift card that we will be able to use once our own GF’s arrive. Thank you so much!!! This was so unexpected. You’re the best!
Perhaps @dan could whip up several hundred of these quickly and send off to the international customers who are being asked to patiently wait well into the first half of the new year. And include a little something extra for the longer than originally planned wait.