We need to keep some old threads alive and keep adding to them. Fascinating that @fablab_elpaso already informed us about dog bones.
I used to regularly drag little bits of metal into the house on the bottom of my boots. We long ago established a “no shoes” policy to combat this.
Yesterday my wife found several little pieces of acrylic on the kitchen floor and handed them to me with the comment of “is this your new detritus?”.
At least they are not quite as sharp when you are wearing socks.
Sawdust, metal shavings, acrylic, 3d printer scrap, all the glitter of the maker.
Terence, thank you so much for that explanation! I’ve been working with my 3D printer for the past year, and I’ve never heard of dogbones before. This will definitely help me with some of my oozing issues
Those indicator boxes look great. I have the same storage issue for my metrology tools and machine tool accessories and fixes like that are a major reason for my GF purchase. I’m looking forward to more of the same from you!
Great job on the box. I’ve made a few and there have been a few trial and error days. Learning is all part of a new toy. Thanks for sharing.
That is so hot!!!
Btw, fun fact: T-Rex had small serrations running along its teeth, with small circles at the end of each one. The circles add strength.
Yes, natural selection brought about serrated teeth, and they haven’t changed in sharks in 300 million years.
3.5 billion years of trial and error have resulted in remarkable structures that are apex in design.
A great read is “Your Inner Fish” - a journey into the 3.5 billion year history of the Human body" by Niel Shubin.
I never saw another creature the same way after reading it.
Awesome, thanks, will check it out!
I love stuff like this! Its like the tubercles on the leading side of whale fins! Theyve found that these increase fluid/aerodynamics while reducing noise and vibration by significant amounts. Supposedly we’re going to start seeing this pop up on hydrofoils and aerofoils in the near future.
Even computer fans apparently!
WhalePower Corporation has been developing very small fans (about 86 millimeters) for use in small, hot, powerful computer circuits. Our first innovative designs greatly reduce computer energy consumption and are about 20% more efficient than any comparable fan currently on the market.
Yes, exactly!
You may have noticed the scalloped fringes on the rear of jet engine cowling, same thing.
The fan blades are new to me.
Ill have to look those up! I have a friend that works at GE designing jet turbines, Im gonna ask him about this stuff!
Heres some info from their site on turbine testing they did:
Detailed results are confidential at this time but the performance was outstanding and the overall conclusions are straightforward: Tubercles work. In fact, they work better than even WhalePower insiders could have hoped.
- They dramatically enhance power at low wind speeds
- The blades operate more quietly than any previous blades
- With no stalling at the tip, tip chatter appears to be totally eliminated
- Performance in real world conditions appears to be more stable and responsive than any turbine in history. When a gust blows through, they accelerate, virtually instantaneously with no noise or other signs of instability.
I just googled this, and PBS made it into a documentary series. Definitely going to watch this week:
Wow. I thought the discussion of Gluten free foods was Off-Topic in the Delivery schedule thread.
Sorry, I will delete.
Put it back…it was an interesting link!
And i’m currently modifying some spare fans with a dremel to give them tubercles - (hoping to lower the decibel level.)
You can pick up some really useful stuff from derailed topics.
I saved it when I saw you were going to delete it…
Thank you!
Well, I was flagged when I tried to help Sandi with info about Celiacs and so I am more sensitive to what I post.