Considering upgrading to Pro--your thoughts?

Unfortunately there’s no easy way to enhance the cooling capabilities. Your best bet is to air condition the room.

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When logged in, if I view the UPGRADES page (here) it seems to only show me current pricing for the various levels/optionally equipped units.

I already ordered a basic, and was considering upping that to pro, but I can’t imagine that adding a pro to my ‘cart’ is the right way to do this…

What am I missing?

You should see upgrade options, like the ones circled below. So you would want to select the UPGRADE: Basic to Pro, with or without air filter, depending on which one you are getting.

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I opted for the pro for basic reasons:

  1. Feed through is a big one. I do some furniture, and this would help the creative process immensely.
  2. More power - I plan on cutting some plywood, so the more power the better.
  3. I purchased the carbon bed. While I could probably vent out a fan to the outdoors, this way it will work better in the short run. If business grows I may opt to get a fan and put the exhaust outside anyway, but have the bed for trade shows, etc.

If they choose to make software only for the Pro, I’ll be in good shape. However, I think for the most part all the software will be on their server that is needed to process the most of it.

The only risk here is that they keep in business with their server up and functional, and they upgrade their server promptly once everyone gets their own GlowForge and installs them in their homes and businesses. I can see that being a huge problem if they don’t proactively invest in the infrastructure ahead - which is what Kickstarting should help do. I’ve some faith in that, and also a lot of faith that the forums, community and goodwill will grow the business further. We shall all see, I’m sure.

The concept of cloud-computing is new to me - and frankly a little different, but I’m seeing advantages already in using AutoCad’s Fusion 360 product, which is cloud based. The nice thing here is that I’ve installed it in my work computer, my iPad, and my two home computers - and the files are transferred seamlessly throughout all of the devices. It is my hope that Glowforge will have apps, forums, and continued business to support itself after the initial Kickstart frenzy is over with. It looks like that is what they are planning on, anyhow.

Anxious to get my own and put it to use!

Don Rosendale

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Thanks for the heads up, Dan. Have you managed to test the operational time in a variety of ambient temperature ranges you can share? I’m sure more central american or equatorial purchasers would also be interested to have an idea.

For me, I am in a small space. My studio is also my living room and will share space beside my jewelry bench. The Filter will be necessary to not clog up my air space with dust ESPECIALLY since I can NOT make any changes to the apartment’s structure.

Also, when we ordered the GF it was back in Oct and the Pro was the cost of the future price of the Basic, and to my thinking that was worth the deal. Always by the best you can afford so you don’t have to upgrade later.

But that’s just my two cents worth of thinking. :smiley:


I can’t afford the shipping cost to France for the Pro+filter; it nearly doubles the $478 shipping fees. But even now that there is a Pro without filter option, I’m still concerned that VAT is going to be ridiculous (more than 20%) and increasing the value by another $1800…eek. Add another $830+ to the price! :dizzy_face:

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I have the same problem. Adding another USD$1800 to the prices pushes it from NZ$5500 to NZ$8700! Almost nine thousand dollars! Yikes

I don’t even want to know how much it would cost with the filter added on :stuck_out_tongue:

I have some definite uses for the pass through slot, and “better optics” turns me on despite being thoroughly vague, but $9k is unjustifiably high (especially for an unknown product) :frowning:


I’ve been on the fence for a while now, my main concern has been about the possibility of delaying delivery for another several months. The biggest reason to go for it is, why buy one when you can have two at twice the price?

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I opted for the Pro, because I’m one of those people who can’t stand the thought of buying a new car and seeing blanking plates instead of buttons.:grin:


I purchased the Pro for the enhanced bells and whistles. I made sunglasses and accessories out of sustainable sourced wood and would like to expand my product offerings.


My son says at his school right around exam and end of semester times their big Epilog is overbooked and people end up getting shut out and taking a hit on their grades because they can’t get laser time. Might be an opportunity to make a few extra bucks after your own work is done :slight_smile:


My daughter took advantage of my laser cutters for her Engineer senior design class…I should have charged her…lmao :wink::grinning:


I know that feeling well!! My favorite is when people would book like, 4 hours’ worth of time and show up for the last hour of their booking. As far as offering bonus laser time…the thought has already crossed my mind :money_mouth:


I forgot to update this posting: I went ahead and upgraded! Thanks everybody for your input.


Sam I don’t believe it will increase the import at all by including the PRO w/ filter vs w/o filter that is assuming I am reading the upgrade pricing correctly and maybe @ Dan can verify but both upgrade options appear to be priced the same weather you choose the with filter or non-pro filtered GF Pro of course I dove in with both feet and opted for the pro and am state side.

I’m not sure exactly what you mean, but the cost to upgrade to pro is currently USD$1800 without an air filter and USD$2400 with it. I also have to pay a percentage on top of that to NZ customs, so the more I pay up front the more I pay towards import fees later. Just the extra USD$1800 adds $3200 to my final price. Adding a filter plus extra shipping would be even more!

Your right I was looking at the two bottom lines on the upgrades pricelist and was slightly confused by the verbiage until I took a closer look on a big screen instead of my cell phone but, if your looking forward to your GF as much as I am it’s all good.

Wow! I’m blessed to not have your import tax! That in mind, I pulled the trigger on a pro mainly because I need those Pro features in the future. For me it made sense to pay a smaller upgrade fee now vs buy a second unit at $8000 later.

Either way, I think I’d be happy, I would just have to get more creative with larger jobs on the basic. I found a local library with a large machine I could’ve used and kept the basic. That was my plan B if I didn’t upgrade.
Good luck!


Just upgraded to the Pro from Basic+Filter. FWIW read this thread (at least bits) after I did that. Always wanted the passthrough but couldn’t do it upfront. Hoping it will get to me soon - too many projects pending - could have used it this Summer :disappointed: :slight_smile: Really looking forward to it.