Dense Smoke! Air flow stopped? Compact filter working

Missed that one but that’s rather brilliant! :smile:


They’ll pipe up if they’re reading the posts.

@PrintToLaser considered it in the Exhaust Options thread.

Here’s a link to @dwardio’s setup:

Re-vamped venting setup


Okay, I remember that now. (Superb!) :smile:

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this is brilliant
bravo :clap:

One thing you might try is to use a vacuum cleaner to vacuum up the filters in reverse. No telling if it would not make the filter not work but the filter will be no worse off than it is now


Poppy is nodding in agreement with this
thank you for this safe suggestion @rbtdanforth

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btw we still haven’t heard a word back from GF since Thursday at 3:12PM PDT.*

*Error on our part; updated below

*Revised: Latest message received was from Friday, Aug 16, 2019 at 1:11 pm EST.

GF is within their normal response time at 3 biz days.
We’ll be here, dreaming with the machine.
Poppy is fishing and will be back in a few days.

It would appear that the solution is the need for a new set of filters so they will find little to do to help you, so let the gang of Regulars help out. The official solution is to change the filter. Things like a pre-filter to catch the majority of gunk are not official policy, nor is cheaper filters of the same size or other filters entirely that have to be modified to work and might be noisier

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We love and adore this Gang! We definitely will rely on you all…and the love is just tremendous!! We will also contribute positive content for educational purposes and add to the experiential/knowledge database.

Look, we all know that the GF is a really, really amazing machine…but seriously, spending nearly $7,000 to have it work for less than 1 business day before it needs a new filter is absolutely deplorable. Makes no sense to Poppy…makes cents tho for GF :thinking:
At this point in time, we have no choice other than purchasing a new filter for the compact filter.

We surmise that piping out into Mother Earth is the quick and final solution but that is also kinda equally deplorable. We must be able to do something more efficient and Earth friendly. Can we collectively GlowForge the fix here Gang? :blue_heart::purple_heart::green_heart:

Longer lasting, biodegradeable filters…no destroying the planet in any capacity.
How about a deeper housing and bigger filter for the compact filter?
We are sure this has been thought of and discussed a million times but we can’t help but shout this out after the dead stop shituation we are facing.

Btw we are not complaining here but just want the GF to be the most efficient machine it can possibly be and we want to share our thoughts for its continued improvements.
We can not imagine what it must take to create, maintain, service, trouble-shoot, answer crazy questions…etc… that the GlowForge requires. That said, big CHEERS and stuff to all of those who make it happen at GF! Thank you, this machine is incredible and we’d love to hear back from you from 1 of our many support messages and get back up and running ASAP.
We’d also like to ship back the 25 sheets of Draftboard we just ordered because we will never be using that material in the machine again and suggest you take it off your materials list as a viable product to use.

Now we meditate.

Another thing, aren’t you supposed to receive Laser Glasses when you purchase a GF Pro?

Thanks again Fam

Draftboard produces a lot of smoke and dirt but the majority of it is big pieces (relative to smoke particles ) and should be able to be stopped with a washable prefilter, (which you will have to take out and wash more often)

It all depends on what you are building of course, but I use a lot of hand sanitizer that dissolves all that gunk and tiny bits of masking but it also dissolves the glue that binds draftboard as well. Many folks use it to experiment with but for the nice final pieces, you will want the look of wood grain, and all the fancy woods that 3D printing cannot do a thing with and for the most part the actual wood stuff is stronger if mostly in the direction of the grain.

Generally, many woods are almost as dirty as the draftboard and so little gain there. Oak and birch plywood are available at low prices and a type of plywood called “Revolution” built on sustainability as a selling point and the least expensive available but all are to the dirtier side of the ledger, but all clean up IMHO better than draftboard.

Leather and acrylic are “cleaner” in terms of particles but very smelly. Maple, Cherry, and Walnut are beautiful but more expensive but toward the “cleaner” side of the ledger. Ceramic Tile engraving causes almost no build-up but is more limited in what you can do. So you make your choices and get what you get as we all face our issues.

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Check for compartments in the foam. If they did not get sent they should make that good.

Ahh soo much information right here,…thank you so, so much!
We are moving the whole game to wood and going to step away from draftboard…but like the idea of running tests.

I like this idea and we are looking into it. @Jules gave us the link to check something out.
We will stick with PG stuff until we get extremely acquainted with everything…but your tips here are going to go into the vault of special knowledge.
Thank you and safe lasering

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Checked and checked and triple checked and just bought my damn own.
This is getting kinda sketchy IMHO.

Chat with Support at says:

“The Pro Laser Saftey Glasses do not come with the Pro. They are available for purchase in our shop if you would like to purchase a pair. If you follow the Laser Saftey Training included with your purchase, you will not need the glasses. If you decide to make your own Laser Saftey plan, then the glasses may be needed.”

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Was only for the folks who waited a few years I guess,:frowning:

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Well that’s new. Used to come with the Pro. I also had some from Amazon (you need to make sure they’re rated for CO2 lasers - 10600nm and not ones for blue duide lasers 800nm).


That is new, and surprises me considering how far towards “Error on the side of caution” the company lawyers lean.


Ahh thx for making me not feel so crazy!