I think you will find that you are the one who is incorrect here. Should i flag you?
to which @dan replies: “Thanks @Jules - that is correct.”
Continuing the discussion from Original buyer benefits transferable if I give away or sell my Glowforge?:
The original post by @dan (which seems to have been deleted - but i am still searching for the original post though there are multiple references to it in replies) was:
"These units aren’t built until we confirm acceptance to the “Do you want your Glowforge?”
Those of us who were active on the forums at the time saw it and references to it in many threads including a specific one made for it (Units aren't built until shipping email?)
There has been no official announcement otherwise.
While i suspect that it is no longer the case… during the packaging shortage for instance machines were still being built despite not many e-mails going out… until there is an official announcement otherwise this is the only information we have from Dan on the matter