Well this has fate written all over it (metaphorically speaking as it’s clearly Glowforge Food!). Grab a couple of pints of ice cream, the aforementioned whipped cream and a couple dark chocolate Ghirardelli squares and we’ve got (what passes for) a wild and crazy Friday Night Forge Feast!
Was quite delicious. No noticeable taste effects from the lasing. Even the chocolate squares survived - but those were 70% cocoa which seems to stand up to “burning”.
The banana smelled kind of toasty delicious. And it tasted like an unadorned banana split so that worked well too.
Interesting exercise working without the crumb tray and figuring out what to tell the GFUI the material thickness it was.
Chocolate engraves pretty well. It makes a cute gift when you personalize chocolate for someone. Just go low power and high speed (& with the GF, med-low LPI - at least until they give back the low power control).
You can get good chocolate in blocks that make a great canvas for engraving.