I was so excited to start playing around with Crystals. Still playing with the settings… some parts of the crystal seem to engrave better than others. Still love the way most turned out!
![20190905_120706|375x500](upload://w G7ZVNLEGPBpFnEqXp5Yo6mRkT5.jpeg)They are all beautiful, but
I just adore!
I’m gonna guess like when people try “stones” there is so much variation in the chemical makeup of the crystals that you get different results depending on what it’s falling on.
Are those pictures straight out of the , or did you wash them? If the later, what did they look like straight out of the machine? If the former - what do they look like washed?
Oh yeah! What she said!
You’re tempting me to get some agate! Great stuff!
Those are great. I have a need to engrave bright marks like that onto stones, and crystals like this would work well. Can you share a source? Or the name of that kind of stone?
they are straight out of the forge! i learned not to score them only engrave. scoring really messes up the smothness. the white stays on pretty good, tested it by scratching pretty hard and it stays on pretty good!
if you look up crystal slices on amazon youll find some diffrent kinds im pretty sure they are agate though.
I’ve got these on my wish list to try:
Yup! that’s them. you’ll have fun with them!
Really wonderful, particularly like the one that almost is a Geode.
Excellent, thanks.
Beautiful! I put crystal grids on wood, stone, and tile. Now I have to give Agate a try!
See this thread for both sources and results on agate
Nice work!
Essentially agate, jasper or chalcedony, they look like slices of geode. Sliced thin like that they are known as transparencies.
I have always marveled at geodes, and the concentric rings in them that conform to the surface topography of the stone, and the “impurities” that give the silica color.
I always loved to slice them, knowing sunlight had never touched the interior - to be the first to see the wonder hidden inside.
The white sections do not engrave nearly as well as the colored areas. Lots of flaking and such from the structure.,
WOW!!! This is what I"m excited about! I can’t wait till my GF is ready.
Yup I also think the power setting was too high
If you get those keep them out of the sun or find a way to put a uv blocker of some sort as a finish. the dyes they use to make those rocks those fancy colors deteriorate quickly