Has anyone gotten an air filter in the last year???
It’s been over a year and…nothing.
My air filter date keeps getting pushed back, I sidelined the use of my glowforge because i didn’t have a vented place I could operate it easily, thinking i would get 3 months after i got my machine, then 6 months, and now more than a year later…My NEW date is end of October this year!!!
Now I feel like an idiot for not making it work…Glowforge support had no info for me but that it will come at the date stated on my account…which, it did not…it got pushed back again.
Yes and no. Many people have gotten the compact filter, which is made especially for but doesn’t sit under your machine. No one has gotten the under-machine air filter because it still hasn’t hit the quality that they require of it. You can read more about that at: The Glowforge Compact Filter and Air Filter Latest
If you’re trying to decide whether it’s worth finding a way to vent it or to keep waiting for the air filter… well, my opinion is to figure out the venting.
You could choose to get the Compact Filter instead, which is probably also better than waiting. Glowforge hasn’t given us any real information on what to expect from their filter, but it’s hard for me to imagine that the can make it perform that much differently than the Compact Filter without defying the laws of physics. It’s probably a matter of aesthetics and patience, at this point.