Greetings -
There is a technique I’ve wanted to try, or a variation of it, since seeing the YouTube video on Sophy Wong. She 3d prints a pattern of scales or octagons, etc., and half way through lays in a mesh, then continues to print, tying them together into a fabric of sorts.
Since I don’t have a clear vision on my next project yet, I want to try completely incorporating a GF piece inside a 3d print. Cool, what could go wrong…
As I was thinking about the web mesh of Sophy’s technique, might as well go with a spider theme. GF Add Artwork is an easy start. All I need for the test is a spider and a web. Check.
Next, design a ‘housing’ for the web and acrylic. I’m using Tinkercad (still) for ease of 3d photoshopping stuff together.
First try I had it sized too small for the web detail to stick.
I scaled them up so the ‘web part’, when exports to SVG and converted to STL for 3d printing, is thick enough to adhere to the printbed on it’s own. A little trial and error was necessary. This will do -
Need to cut a bigger acrylic spider / layer.
I checked the slicer and found that the ‘pocket’ I designed into the 3d Block would transition to cover the ‘back’ of the acrylic on layer 25.
So I set the print to change filament color on that layer.
Knowing the machine would need to switch the filament, giving me time to hit pause and insert the acrylic sheet.
In case you’re asking yourself, is this really a good idea? No, I don’t believe it is.
I measured the acrylic and it was about 2.74mm, and I made the space for it 2.8mm thick. So not a lot of gap to work with.
Yes, there was some pucker factor on restarting the print, since I could feel the acrylic was basically flush to the last 3d print layer. But that’s what I’m here for, so let’s go for it.
The first layer was wavy gravy, but staying down. The second layer, over the back of the acrylic, was laying down perfect, so I think this is totally going to work.
Yup, it’s in there.
So what did I end up with? Success!
This isn’t all that interesting, by itself. It’s a technique I wanted to try as I have a large project still coalescing, and this is something I may want to incorporate at great length.
Thanks for checking it out.