Is there an idiot's guide?

Chuckle! Deep breath! It’s not difficult at all, but it does take a little bit of time to get comfortable with. (Give yourself a week or so.) :wink:

Can’t help with the oily film, shipping issues, or Wifi…we’re all working around those at the moment and they tend to come and go, depending on factors that I don’t really understand.

The Proofgrade not found error can happen if the machine takes a measurement off of the material - it’s verifying the thickness and giving you a warning so you can check to make sure that the right material/settings are in there. You can ignore it if you actually are using the material shown. (Happens once in a while if there are cutouts in a sheet.)

What I can help with is the using of the software and getting started with the designing, and there are some tutorials that will help. Assuming you’ve gone through the First Prints that Glowforge explains, what I’d recommend reading next, in this order, are the following mini-tutorials:

After that, if you need more design tutorials, there are mini-explanations for all of the major design programs in the Matrix…accessed here:

Hope that helps! :slightly_smiling_face: