We’ve added a proprietary coating to our case that can repel the full force of the Glowforge laser - even though the laser can’t get there in the first place. It’s part of our commitment to design the Glowforge to perform even if something goes wrong. We want you to have the peace of mind of a consumer appliance like an oven or fridge, not an industrial tool that you need to worry about.
Does this mean we don’t need glasses to protect our eyes with the Pro model now??
It has a passthrough slot, so if youre using the passthrough theres a super slim chance you can get hit by something reflecting through that opening. Id get the glasses, if not just to look more legit and make people feel that much more impressed when entering a laser danger area
The pass through slot is what moves the Pro from the basic’s class I laser device classification to the Pro’s class IV laser device classification. Whenever the laser is in operation there is a chance the UV light could escape and damage your eyes, among other things. That the glass has a coating on it is just another safety feature.
The coating means that some folks’ worries about a plastic enclosure being cut apart (ie the glowforge destroying itself) should be allayed. As @takitus said, it is the passthrough that necessitates laser-eye-protection. The empty space which comprises the slot cannot be coated.
If you are putting the Glowforge in a commercial setting in the US, you will want to take a look at the OSHA regs in place for your state and type of business.
OSHA Regulatory Practice. At the present time, OSHA does not have a comprehensive laser standard, though 29 CFR 1926.54 is applicable to the construction industry.
A standard for personal protective equipment (Subpart I) may apply in some cases.
The construction standard 29 CFR 1926.102(b)(2), for eye and face protection, states that “employees whose occupation or assignment requires exposure to laser beams shall be furnished suitable laser safety goggles which will protect for the specific wavelength of the laser and be of optical density (O.D.) adequate for the energy involved.”
source: https://www.osha.gov/dts/osta/otm/otm_iii/otm_iii_6.html
from your avatar, I would guess you are in WA, in which case you would want to look at supplemental state info for Washington: Labor & Industry: Chapter 296-62-WAC
maybe more, too.
Obviously, OHSA standards do not apply in a home setting, but they should still be considered.
Well, most humans do ship from the factory with a spare eye, but getting additional replacements later can be an issue. Since you need to use both of the included eyes to enjoy the entire visual feature-set, such as stereoscopy and depth-perception, I would personally recommend spending the coin for the optical sensor guard.
Last time I checked, even the very most expensive LEP I could find was only about an eighth or so of the cost of a prosthetic eye. And while those $2k+ prosthetic eyes may look good, they don’t, ya know look good actually function.
AFAIK Bionic eyes are not quite ready yet.
Although I do not fear my oven per-se, I do use an oven-mit. I am not legally required to do so.
My first bionic eye project is going to be a permanently rolled eye set for teenagers. That way their Superior Rectus Muscle won’t get tired continuously rolling them…
Ya know. I spent way too much time thinking about the mechanics of your statement. Then I stepped back and put it through the reality/levity filter. Oh!
You do need safety glasses to use the Pro. As @jbk pointed out, it protects the housing, but the Pro housing has a slot. We’re working on arranging for a low-cost pair of safety glasses.
Since this is a safety topic, per the guidelines, I’m going to lock it from further comments to avoid incorrect information being offered down the line.