Masking tape for engraving gradient images

Hello :slight_smile: I was wondering what the group think is on engraving gradient images like photos…i have projects that have cut, scored and engraved elements…how do you all do these within a single project???many times the gradient images are not that good…as a teacher i dont have time to do each technique as a separate prepared step…peace

Photo preparation is a whole art.

Check out #9:

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I have no problem with photo prep…i have issues with gradients AND masking…my non masked photos turn out great…what i have are issues when a project has all three types of laser use…i need the masking but also dont need the masking…what are people doing about this???peace

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Oh right, masking doesn’t do well with vary power/3d engrave. The issue is that the masking eats up the laser energy for the lower end of the power scale. You can offset that by using the minimum power setting, but tbh it doesn’t work too well. My best suggestion is not to mask fine engraves like that. There are several techniques for cleaning unwanted smoke marks from engraves, that’s what I’d be doing. and have done:

You can get definitely good results this way.

@shogun and I worked together before he had his Glowforge, and all of these were done on maple hardwood and unmasked, then cleaned.

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thanks!!! :slight_smile: i will check these out…peace

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If you’re working with wood, I would skip the masking. Usually a very light sanding will take care of the soot, and the whole process is less time consuming.


seems like a spray coating that is water soluble would be great…engrave then wipe with a damp sponge…peace

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You could also set the engraving as the first step, let it finish, then open the lid, add the masking, and then hit go on the remaining steps (setting the engrave step to Ignore)…


I will try this but with 196 student projects every other day on my 3 machines opening the lids will be time consuming…i dont print singles unfortunately very often…peace


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