this is my first post so forgive me if I screw up. I am excited for the glow forge as it will be a HUGE upgrade over the cheapo Chinese model that I use currently.
As I have been working with laser cutters and having to create SVG files when I was unable to find the ones I wanted I thought I would try and be nice and provide you access to my SVG library that I have amassed over my time. It is not huge but it has some stuff that is of interest to me.
I hope some of you find these files as useful as I have and I hope it saves you some time looking for some of the obscure things I have converted. Everything in the library has been used by me so they should all work.
Note that this is a living library so as I continue to work on projects new files will be added. Feel free to make any requests you would like to see, I may opt to ignore the request but you can always ask.
I would love to hear back what you think or see any projects you have made using these files!
Welcome! Don’t worry, we don’t bite.
If you have any questions feel free to ask. If its been asked/answered before, we’ll point you in the right direction.
Awesome Library! Now I’m going to have to make some FMA coasters!
I really like your designs and appreciate you sharing them with all of us. I particularly love the design elements and lettering. I have bookmarked your page for future use…when I actually have a Glowforge. Exciting!
I am glad! I collected, and continue to collect, an eclectic collection of files and I am told that sharing is caring… right? I am always adding to it as well so it is very much a living library.
Thanks for jumping in both feet first and sharing. So many cool topics to post in. So interested in hearing your Chinese laser experience. Also, nice vector files. Really cool stuff and well done.