It looks like you’re not engraving on a flat surface - which makes it a touch harder! Totally doable, but not quite as point and click.
For all projects - skip measuring the wood and use the Set Focus instead
You’ll place the guideline on the center of your piece of material. -
NOW, if your material is very small you may “fall off the edge” (which looks like it happened here), in which case placing something large in there that’s the same height as your material gives you another place to use that Set Focus helps a bunch.
For a slightly more sturdy option you can create a jig for your material if you’re using similarly shaped things repeatedly. For a jig you cut a hole into a similarly deep piece of material (many use layered cardboard) that you can slide your material into. There are lots of tutorials on jigs here, take a gander (there are more!):
- and lastly, there’s the option of creating a grid on the bottom of your
so you never worry about focus again!
I hope some of that helps