Stuck on centering or focus

My glowforge was printing fine in the morning and now it wont update to let me print anything else. I spent 2 hours cleaning the entire machine and it still will not focus. Does any one know what the issue could be? Im starting to lose my patience :frowning:

Things to check:

Thank you Jules.

I have literally tried everything. I have been having a ton of issues with GF and its a shame because its not a cheap machine. I will have to wait until I hear from them hopefully all my customers understand. Thank you for your help.


If you ran through all of those and it didnā€™t fix it, it might be the lid cable. Those are easy to replace, but they need to check your logs, and we canā€™t see those here.

Hopefully thatā€™s all it is. Good luck!

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I see you already emailed us about this and weā€™re working on it there, so Iā€™m going to close this topic.