Variations of finger joints

I have the Magnets for it, but as yet only a name badge that used the magnet ability. I have been playing a bit with spring latches taking advantage of small amounts of springiness in the wood but all of that is still im my head and not the work as yet.


Huh I thought you were the one who sanded magnets flush? I should have searched.

Huh searching doesnā€™t yield anything, itā€™s a tough thing to search for. I stand corrected.


Only at the moment :blush: I will seek to make it true,


These are beautiful! Thanks for sharing!

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Awwwwsome! Thanks for taking the time to share!

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You have taken finger joints to a level which has not been seen in 100 yrs!!! I make boxes and would love to learn more. Hope we can chat in greater detail.


Do it here, not in email, so the rest of us can benefit too. Thatā€™s the beauty of sharing in the forum! :slight_smile:

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Wowee wow! I must have been on a very extended lunch break or something when you posted this. These are so stunning! Your abilities are over the top.


Sure, Iā€™m happy to answer any questions you might have. Just post them here like @geek2nurse suggested.


Really inspiring work guys. Hereā€™s some more inspiration after you all got me searching: ā€œJapanese Joineryā€ & although with the angles I guess not all will be possible on the :glowforge:


That second link is all kinds of awesome!

Itā€™s been a whileā€¦has anyone come up with any new finger joint types to add?


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Your gap-toothed variant on the mastermind set still makes me furious that I didnā€™t think of it :wink:


OK, so finger joints are just too practical because they align the corner. I do not use them because I donā€™t like glue; I like glue - it works.
Glowforgers have gotten so that they think the only way to join material is with a finger joint. But classic finger joints are sooo boring., & you have addressed that. Thanks for the inspiration.

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My experience is that they are way stronger, I like the look of small finger joints over big ones, though on end grain they can be very small side grain can have problems.

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wow! Just WOW! This is amazing work! And thanks for sharing your design process!


Yes, they are way stronger for sure. I guess that the casual ease with which one can finger joint a corner kind of irritates me from the wood joinery point of view & that is just snobbishness on my part I know.

For example, I have built numerous cabinets and never dovetailed a drawer. Modern wood glues are so good that a dovetail joint for a drawer is superfluous for strength. but man does it scream craftmanship. If I build a dovetailed drawer it will be done with hand tools in the traditional way and not with a router. Snobby huh? I know.

The glowforged charred edges just beg me to cut them extra long and sand then clean :grin:

Please do not let my utopian views dissuade anyone from finger jointing a corner - I do it myself LOL


Like this?

I go back and forth depending if I like the effect in the design
In this case it worked with the other engraved bitsā€¦


That is what Iā€™m talkinā€™ about! Nice work.

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For plywood solidly dark finger joints add to the design and make that plywood edge less obvious,