I posted about these over in the Practical Cuts thread. I came up with this design to help me organize my growing paper / cardstock / sticker / printable iron-on sheets collection since getting my Cricut. (Yes, I am probably the only person here who got a Glowforge first, and THEN a Cricut. Hush.)
The design isn’t perfect, but it’s functional. I’m even including my dorky flower/vine pattern for you to use, if you want it. (I’m having ankle surgery soon, and I figured that when I’m laid up and bored they will give me something to color, if I run out of other things I want to do!)
Here’s what they look like assembled (Baltic birch, no finish):
They’re made using frame construction rather than cutting out solid pieces, because I want to be able to make a lot of them without using up a ton of material. They’re wide enough to hold 11" stock horizontally, although I have it standing vertically in the photo, to keep the colors separate until I have time to make a few more.
These parts are cut from 1/8" material:
These parts are cut from 1/4" material:
The kerf is nice and tight on most of this, so make sure you’ve got your assembly hammer at hand, but have some glue available too, because there are places where you’ll probably want some. And clamps. Lots of clamps.
Start by attaching the two side pieces to the bottom, as shown. This will keep you from assembling yourself into any awkward “corners.” (The rest can pretty much happen in whatever order you prefer.)
This is how the inner front goes together. The slats and side piece are shown here just for reference; you’ll add the slats later, because they glue on to the back side of the outer front. Just assemble the frame for now.
This is how the outer front goes together. Once it’s assembled, glue it onto the inner front. This is where those clamps will come in handy – the long narrow pieces will want to warp when you wet them with the glue! (And yes, I should have alternated the joins for more strength. The design sort of morphed as I was making it, and by the time I realized I would be making the front in layers, I didn’t have the patience to change that detail. I’ll do that next time!)
Now you can glue in the slats. Here’s an X-ray view of the inner and outer fronts stacked together, with the slats in place:
Assemble the back piece, and glue the keyhole hangers (based on @jbmanning5’s design) on the back, lining them up with the oval holes. You can add some spacers on the bottom of the frame if you like – I didn’t include any, since you’ve probably got plenty of 1/8" scraps in all shapes and sizes to choose from!
Now put the front, back, and sides together, and you’re ready to do some organizing!