XY home position

My machine has hard limits, and when it homes it goes to the hard limit first, then moves the specified distance to the soft limit (35mm on the X). When I first got the machine I put a corner piece that runs along the edge of the soft limit and attached it so that I always know where my 0,0 is and can align pieces against it.

I havent had any issue in creating parts that fit flushly with others Ive cut on my CNC machine, and can easily queue up another to be cut without worry. I just shove the piece into the corner, then cut. On a number of those I do have to manually input the offset of the cut from 0,0 to get the cut where I want it to be, but I know that it can always hit it reliably.

Numeric positioning also helps me a lot when making sure I make the most of my materials. As different materials have different kerfs, I know what the minimum distance I can place and object away from another and still achieve a clean edge while maximizing the material usage. It may sound trivial, but there have definitely been times where an extra half a milllimeter has been the difference between being able to make the part now vs having to order another piece of material and waiting for it to arrive.