As promised, here are the design files (broken up for simplicity) and instructions. Many thanks to @geek2nurse for vetting things despite a hectic schedule!
It uses 8 small magnets (the specific ones I used are in the instructions), but you could probably get by cutting your own 1/8" diameter cylindrical spacers out of 1/8" thick material, at least until your magnets arrive.
I’d love to see your versions and revisions… Post 'em!
… Updated instructions, had mistakenly called out the wrong thickness PG materials. Sorry if that bit anyone! Thanks @PrintToLaser!
This is so awesome. Very kind of you to share the files. Normally I modify designs to make them better (to my mind anyway), but I can’t think of anything to change. This is PERFECT!
The only heads up I have for everybody is that if you open the PDF for the ring with words in an internet browser then they don’t print right onto paper, but printing it through Illustrator worked for me.
In any case, just ordered the magnets and will throw it together when they arrive! Thanks again, seriously so cool.
I’m still waiting on magnets, but I had to try it out: mine required a pinch of sanding to fit over the button trim. Also not happy with the font I used on the dial, but that will be an easy fix (engraved card-stock, rather than registering a print-out).
Also, I had trouble with the card stock backer staying in the acrylic, so I cut one from black vinyl with my plotter.