Sugar lace for Valentine’s Day

I checked out the link to the edible paper and I never thought I’d see serving size and calories for paper.

Mom: “Ok, young man, you’ve had enough. Get ready for bed.”
Son: “But I’m still hungry. Just one more sheet? Please!”
Mom: “One more sheet. If you eat that whole pack in one day you’re going to get fat.”


What other baking related things do you make with your GF? I love using digital tools in conjunction with baking!

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There are many about. I made a holder for yogurt cups but much more is about for the search.

And I still cannot find the one I was looking for but found several I never knew! :exploding_head:


Wonderful piece. Could you tell me what setting you used to engrave on the silicone mat? Thank you! Kim

@cynd11 shared those settings already:

Screen Shot 2020-08-04 at 11.25.53 PM

Click the word “here” in that line at the bottom of her post and, it will take you straight to the post with the settings.

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the word doesn’t click for me, not sure if anyone else is having the same issue, I’m on Firefox on a Macbook

Hmmm. If links are not working for you, try searching the forum for “Settings for silicone food mat engraving.”


Are you clicking the blue word “here” in @cynd11’s post at the top of this thread or, are you trying to click the blue word here in the my screen shot image of the line from @cynd11’s post?

The former absolutely works, including on my MacBook in Firefox. The later absolutely does not work anywhere because that image is not a link.

In the interest of not protracting this, here is another direct link to the post with the settings:

Good grief.

I came across my unopened box from Amazon that had the baking mat and the edible paper. and was like “where the heck did I get the idea to order this…”

spelled silicone with an extra i first time. Sheesh I have fat fingers.

thanks for this tip. now I have to figure out how to bake the cookies etc. on the sly.