What will be your Glowforge's personal name?

My Glowforge will be used to create interactive exhibit elements for museums…so I’m going with The History Mystery Machine. Or Xzibit (like the rapper, lol).

I’m not sure how the rest of the staff is going to feel about it…


Welcome @manda.maggs to the forum. So glad you joined us. Lots of amazing things here.

I named my desktop desky, my laptop lappy, and my tablet tablety. Going with that theme, I think I’m going to name my Glowforge:

Stormageddon, Dark Lord of All. … Or Alfie for short. :wink:




That is probably in my top 3 Doctor Who Episodes, and all three would be tied for first. :smile:


Ha, there was I, feeling super smart coming up with names like Haphaestus or Geordi… :smiley: To be truly original, I’ll go with Beta 3, a complete in-joke with a friend of mine. He developed a really awesome little online wargame back in 1999-2000 that started as a quick build for a bunch of friends and ended up going public. He kept fine tuning and tweaking it, going from Beta 1, 1.1, 1.2, etc. then Beta 2, 2.1, 2.3… and it got stuck there for about… 5 years I guess, as he constantly promised us (and his 3500 players) the unspeakable wonders that would come in the Beta 3… It became something of a myth, the legendary thing that would never come — “It’ll be ready in September”, he would say, to which we would answer “Yes, but what year?!” :joy:
In the end, the Beta 3 did come, and it was indeed awesome, so let’s hope the same goes for my GF…


iForge That was what we had decided also!

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I still haven’t thought of a name I like. Maybe MacReady? He burns Things.



Already chosen my name for the Forge but I don’t trust you whipper-snappers to steal my idea!
Glad someone told me the letter limit was 15… i immediately & frantically counted and came just in under the limit!


15 letters … “DelayAfterDelay” :sunglasses:


ROFL - Sung to the tune of Cyndii Lauper’s ‘Time After Time’?

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Or maybe “StuckOnDayNine” :sunglasses:

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At first i through it was 15 syllables…
Part of my Job is to create Haiku for ceremonial events so i went into joyous overdrive… but then i re-read it :frowning:

My name for the forge
Flowered as a poem, wilts
As fifteen letters.


That’s an awesome name idea. I’m a bit jealous

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Fabrikant - it’s German for “somebody who makes things” and Valery I. Fabrikant was a Soviet scientist who laid much of the groundwork for lasers.


SchmutzMacher. ‘Schmutz’ because what comes out of the Glowforge’s tailpipe is schmutz. (And why does spell check want to change ‘schmutz’ to ‘schmaltz’? I’ve never cooked anything in schmutz!) And ‘macher’ because the Glowforge is going to get important things done. We’re going to refer to it as ‘The Macher’. (Which by itself wouldn’t be a bad name either.)


Might need to check this out:

laser guy: Valentin A. Fabrikant
engineer turned mass murderer: Valery I. Fabrikant


Woops. I forgot his first name, googled “Fabrikant”, took the first result, thought briefly “should I check if it’s the right one? Nah, what are the chances he’s a mass murderer or something…”

Erm… yeah. :wink:


Now that the shipping emails have picked up, I guess it’s time to put some serious thought into choosing a name!

I’ve known for a while that I wanted to name my Pro after a character from The Kingkiller Chronicle by Patrick Rothfuss. For a while I was considering some rather obscure names, then for a long time I settled on Elodin, because he’s cool, but not really a good fit. Then the other day it hit me that Kilvin is by far the most appropriate choice. He makes all the best things, just like a Glowforge. :slight_smile: